Is the support truly 100%?

Wondering, If one is truely 100% in support for a woman’s right to choose - how can one deny the same choice to the woman in the womb, with a heartbeat, the right to live ?..what choice was given this innocent-unable to speak female ?

Answer #1

Fillet, to clarify my position, life begins at conception and it is never ‘right’ to take the life from any person, much less one that has no choice, no voice - as the Bible says ‘it is appointed a time to die’ - by God, not man - it’s not fashionable or the ‘in’ thing to do in our world today but I ‘value’ ALL Human Life.

Answer #2


I feel like freedom is the #1 most important thing in the world, at least to me. I don’t take my freedoms lightly, and freedom over my own body, to at least be able to CHOOSE to have a safe and legal abortion, is part of this freedom. I, personally, would probably never do it based upon moral reasons, but at least having the option is important to me. Government making the decision for me about MY own body is something that I could not accept. Especially since politicians (much like the people who usually have Pro-Life stickers on their cars) are often men, who will never be faced with the decision affecting their body.

Answer #3

amblessed, I think I understand your position; I just don’t agree with it.

Cancer cells are alive yet most people have no qualms about killing a cancer cell because it isn’t a person. A zygote that doesn’t yet have any consciousness or even a single neuron isn’t any more a person than a cancer cell is. Fewer than half of all embryos successfully attach so would you conclude that God is the top abortionist?

I’m pro-life in that I am against abortion. I don’t like it and wish nobody got abortions. The difference is that I don’t feel like I have the right to make a woman serve as a human incubator for 9 months for a baby she doesn’t want.

Answer #4

they are stupid. they just wanted to get iin the bed with some body. They were never wanted kids.

Answer #5

To me it boils down to when personhood begins. An adult woman is no doubt fully a person, She has a brain, consciousness, and self-awareness. At what stage do we become a person?

Amblessed mentions a heartbeat; heartbeat begins at 6 weeks. Does this mean that abortion is ok before then?

Many people look at viability. Could the fetus survive outside of the mother? If the fetus is completely dependant on its mother it could be viewed as a parasite. One problem with this is the age of viability is constantly being pushed downward. 50 years ago a fetus under 30 weeks typically wouldn’t survive. Now premie care is good enough that 20 week fetuses often survive. Viability is more a measure of the quality of treatment than anything inherent in the fetus.

Some religions believe in a soul that enters the zygote at the moment of conception. To me a cell that doesn’t have any neurons yet is hardly a person yet religionists often want all abortions to be illegal because of their religious conviction that not everyone shares.

In the middle ages the child was considered to gain life with “quickening.” When the baby was felt moving. Prior to the baby’s first kick many felt abortion was acceptable because the child wasn’t alive yet. Some early Christian theologians felt that a boy child gains life at 40 days and a girl at 80.

It is hard to draw a line but I always greatly admired the work the Supreme Court did in Roe v Wade. They looked at trimesters. The first 3rd of the term of pregnancy the mothers rights are paramount; at this time the mother should be able to have an abortion for any reason. In the middle trimester both the woman and the embryo have rights; in this case an abortion should only be performed when there is a valid medical reason; like the pregnancy threatening the mothers health or her future fertility. In the last trimester abortion should only be available to mothers who’s continued pregnancy is a threat to their life or their child has a condition that is incompatable with life or consciousness. This outlook seems to me to be the best approach to balancing the rights of the mother and child.

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