Health Questions

  1. What should I do with my bulimia?
  2. How do you know if you're stressed?
  3. Adderall withdrawl
  4. Addicted to lying how do I stop?
  5. Pregnant and confused
  6. Loss of appetite
  7. Burning sensation under skin
  8. Anyone else experience sleep paralysis
  9. I want to just give up
  10. Waking up scared
  11. Possibility of being pregnant?
  12. What exactly are herpes and what do they cause?
  13. Does mixing ativan and klonopin have bad side effects?
  14. HIV curable?
  15. 15 and might be pregnant
  16. How many yogurts a day should I eat for the right amount of dairy?
  17. What time is the best time to sleep?
  18. Strange period?
  19. How do you know when you're pregnant?
  20. Amberen for Menopause symptoms
  21. Do the hours I sleep effect my ability to get pregnant?
  22. Hypchondriac?
  23. Can you get pregnant from fingering?
  24. Why am I having trouble breathing?
  25. Teeth clenching
  26. Is it possible that it wont fit at all?
  27. How do you cure a sinus problem?
  28. Need a New Direction
  29. Is there a way to get foreskin back?
  30. How can I stop emotional binging?
  31. Gums are starting to hurt, why?
  32. Why am I not gaining weight at 3 months pregnant?
  33. Remedy for Earache needed
  34. Bad images and lost reality
  35. Bad vaginal odor and discharge
  36. Help me deal with multiple times being raped and cutting
  37. Why do people automatically think that self-harm means cutting?
  38. What ointment do I use?
  39. What does autistic mean?
  40. Get tested without my mom knowing
  41. Has anyone seen anything like this?
  42. Side hurts
  43. I dont like to be alone
  44. How to control myself when I get angry?
  45. Whats bulimic?
  46. My cleavage is brown/black and smelly
  47. I eat loads am 3 months pregnant is this normal?
  48. How soon do you start experiencing pregnancy symptoms?
  49. What is this rash on my inner leg?
  50. I have GI problems, could they be mental not physical?
  51. Do you think something is wrong, or am I right?
  52. Will 6 penicillion pills clean THC from my body?
  53. My sister is fainting
  54. Do you think it is okay for teens to try beer?
  55. Does cranberry juice really take a yeast infection away?
  56. How to stop hurting myself
  57. How can I stop cutting without telling my mom?
  58. What am I more depressed after medication?
  59. My new braces really hurt
  60. Gyno, should it hurt?
  61. Hernia operation
  62. How to help a bad sunburn?
  63. What does this nightmare mean?
  64. Best friend is driving me crazy
  65. what happens when you see a gynecologist?
  66. Why do people pee themselves when scared?
  67. Hairy tongue
  68. Spotting and sharp pains
  69. When to take a pregnancy test after periods
  70. Anorexic turned bulimic
  71. Definition of depression?
  72. What is your definition of a mental illness?
  73. Pads with wipes?
  74. How can I help myself from being/becoming violent?
  75. What is your understanding of "Emotionally Scared"?
  76. Do I sound bipolar?
  77. Pads with bacteria
  78. What if my friend dies?
  79. Pregnant 13 days before your period?
  80. Pregnant while breastfeeding?
  81. Sun Poisoning Symptoms
  82. Wisdom tooth problems
  83. What are steroids and do they make you bigger?
  84. Should I be worried about these period pains?
  85. I dont know what to do
  86. Is it sprained or broken?
  87. Suicidal people
  88. Am I pregnant if I missed my period?
  89. Could I get my period while swimming?
  90. Why do I have these headaches?
  91. Im having extra periods
  92. My girlfriend thinks she's pregnant.
  93. My friends have nits
  94. Whats going on with me?
  95. In labour or not?
  96. Get my wisdom teeth out, any experience you can share?
  97. Biting left permanant scar
  98. So depressed
  99. Medical id bracelets
  100. What does it feel like to get your braces off?