Spotting and sharp pains

ok, well yesterday I was spotting, and this morning when I woke up, I had excruciating cramps to the point where I felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach. I got up to take some medicine and then I felt like I was going to throw-up. is this normal? or should I go to the gyno?

Answer #1

I doubt you are pregnant its proberbly something to do with your cycle. You may have to get an aptmnt with a gyno or just go see your regular doctor if it keeps up. Could also be your apendix if your feeling like throwing up??

Answer #2

My first really serious girlfriend used to get such excruciating cramps like that during her period that one time she passed out from the pain. After that, she got on the pill to stop the horrible symptoms; of course, that had some fringe benefits too.

Answer #3

umm…im not a pro at this, but are you having sex? that could be pregnancy symptoms? DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR SURE, just a suggestion, maybe, lol.

and that really sucks : ( feel better


Answer #4

you may be pregnant.

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