
Okay, so I’m 15 and over the past year I have gone from having almost no health problems ever to a bunch of different problems. It started of with an invisible rash all over my chin… It itched so bad and then went away after I got cream from the doctor. Then I had this horrible sore throat/mono type thing that took me out of school for four days. On top of that I have had 2 ear infections, plantar faciitis (a foot disease) I have torn tendons in my foot and I have had bone spurs on my heels, along with fracturing my foot I also have had trouble breathing through my nose at night and I am on nasinex for that and I had an asthma attack like thing at my dance comeptition and I have become really prone to sunburn even though I ave iron deffiency anemia (I have sun poisoning right now). My parents are really sick of taking me to the doctors and they are really mean about it they say I am a hypocondriac even though everytime I go to the doctors they do find something wrong so it is not in my head… Right? Plus what could be causing my sudden sickliness? ( mind you this all happend in my freshman year alone)

Answer #1

im a virgin… but ya frshman year was super stressful for me sooo I guess that might have been part of it

Answer #2

Stress, atleast continued stress, tends to negatively effect the immune system…

Answer #3

If you have those problems you obviously arent a hypochondriac… It seems you’ve got a troubled immune system? It could be a medical thing, could be a psychological thing, maybe stress related thing? Was freshman year perhaps especially stressful? You might want to actually talk to the doctor about it…

Answer #4

if you ever had sex you might of gotten AIDS =o

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