Health Questions

  1. What can 4 years of insomnia do to a person?
  2. Can you get dental insurance?
  3. How old does my sister need to be to get braces?
  4. What's the point of finger and toenails?
  5. Do hormone pills for menopause make you moody?
  6. Is it normal to experience very intense pleasure from your partner after a hysterectomy?
  7. How are asylums in today's society?
  8. What do you think of Giuliana Rancic's decision to continue trying to get pregnant despite her recent breast cancer diagnosis?
  9. How would this be written as an equation on excel?
  10. What causes the chemical imbalance in the brain that results in depression?
  11. Why is my scar from getting stitches hurting?
  12. What is a comfortable position to sleep in?
  13. What is Crohn's Disease?
  14. What's the best thing to do while having a panic attack?
  15. Is it normal to feel really crazy, weird feelings that you can't explain even if you try (read more)?
  16. When will the effects of this Adderall fully wear off (Read More)?
  17. Do you get a flu shot each year?
  18. Is it possible to literally be "love sick"?
  19. Could the possibility of miscarriage be passed down from another generation?
  20. Is the optical nerve a sensory neuron?
  21. How many pills do you get when buying the morning-after pill?
  22. How can I get the smell of garlic off my fingers?
  23. Does anyone here work in the mental health profession and can help me?
  24. What foods are good for helping memory?
  25. What damage can be done if you dislocate your wrist and don't go to the doctor straight away?
  26. Is it true that your body weighs less immediately after you die?
  27. Is it a good idea to see a counselor if you need help?
  28. Does the penicillin shot affect birth control?
  29. Is it a bad for a woman/man to have a tubal ligation/vasectomy at a young age?
  30. Should a bee sting still be itchy after almost a week?
  31. FunAdvice Trivia: What process removes the poison from cashew nuts (read more)?
  32. Do you consider Chaz (Chastity) Bono a whole man, or do you still see him as a woman?
  33. What is Asperger's Syndrome?
  34. Does Biotin really work?
  35. Would you consider a 14-year-old girl short if she's 5 foot 2 inches?
  36. Is there anything that can make me shorter or stop growing?
  37. How would you know if you got stung?
  38. Is it safe to drink wine while on anti-depressant pills?
  39. Do all therapists/counselors cost money?
  40. Why do I get itchy when I sweat after working out?
  41. Why are my boyfriend's hands always a purple-ish color?
  42. Is it normal for a woman to have slight pain in the larger of her two breast?
  43. If the clinic took a bloodtest for a specific test is this all they will look for?
  44. What could this rash on my thigh be?
  45. Why am I never full?
  46. Is my dad bipolar?
  47. Why is my period gooey like slime?
  48. How do you deal with shin splints while dancing?
  49. What am I supposed to do with these blisters?
  50. Does Estrogen have to build up in your body before it starts to work or should you be able to tell after only taking them once?
  51. How do you feel about medicinal marijuana for people who have hypoglycemia?
  52. Do you believe that a child shouldn't be allowed to drink coffee until a certain age?
  53. What kind of depression is it where you are happy for a few days but then, one day you are completely sad and negative about yourself?
  54. Is it normal to feel sick after getting your blood taken?
  55. What is the "ugly" stage?
  56. Is this site is trustworthy to buy needles off of?
  57. Why do I wake up every morning with horrible stomach aches?
  58. How can a 15 year old boy grow taller?
  59. How to look happy when you're sad and depressed?
  60. Is it possible to be 21 weeks pregnant but not showing yet?
  61. Why do I switch moods so fast?
  62. Are there ways, besides wearing more/warmer clothing, to make or train your body to be more immune to the cold?
  63. How long after a hysterectomy is it safe to be intimate again?
  64. Which is better for an 11-year-old girl - Midol or Pamprin?
  65. How long after a hysterectomy due to endometriosis, do women typically start hormones, and are they safe?
  66. Is it normal to get a boil on your private area?
  67. What if I have a patella tendon tear?
  68. Does Planned Parenthood give free ultrasounds?
  69. Does smoking cause premature ejaculation?
  70. What could this burning feeling behind my knee be?
  71. What does it mean if I don't get my period during a month every few months?
  72. What kind of addiction is the most harmful to your health?
  73. What can you do to stop the itching from a mosquito bite?
  74. What are the chances of Schizophrenia being passed on to the Schizophrenic's first child?
  75. What causes a scar to be either thick or sunken in?
  76. Why are some people heavy sleepers while others are light sleepers?
  77. Do you think any of these sound like a form of OCD?
  78. How long do you wait after surgery to remove the clear film they put on the surgical incision?
  79. What kind of emotional things can I expect after a hysterectomy?
  80. what are some reasons for waking up feeling like shite as if your ill but your not but then you feel like that constantly?
  81. Why is my ankle taking so long to heal?
  82. What happens when two people with different blood types have children?
  83. Does anyone else have specific sleeping habits that won't allow them to sleep through the night?
  84. What causes shaking at night and vomiting?
  85. What is a good way to get your bowels moving again after surgery?
  86. Can doctors see if you had cancer cells in your bloodstream even if they took the blood for a different cause?
  87. Can girls still get their period if they're pregnant but it's really irregular?
  88. What can prevent the spread of impetigo/school sores?
  89. Why is my girlfriend's nipple black?
  90. What are some good books that deal with life struggles through depression, self harm or some sort of mental disorder(bipolar, bulimia anorexia ect)?
  91. What are signs on Anorexia and depression?
  92. Is it true that you can change the way discharge tastes?
  93. How can I get rid of this sore throat and cough?
  94. Is my recovered ankle going to be this stiff permanently?
  95. Is the birth control "Jolessa" supposed to affect your period in the first month?
  96. Is it normal to have thoughts about killing someone, in detail?
  97. Can ADD be developed or do you have to be born with it?
  98. What's a quick cure for a blocked nose?
  99. Who thinks video games rot the brain?
  100. Why is my tongue white?