Does Planned Parenthood give free ultrasounds?

Of so, do i need anything to get one?

Answer #1

No, they do not give free ultrasounds unless you are also aborting the child. Please don’t abort the child.

Answer #2

No, they do not.

If you are currently pregnant and plan on keeping the child you need to sign up for state issued medical insurance (medicaid, etc) in order to have a healthy pregnancy and get the medical attention you need.

Medicaid does cover 1 ultrasound around 20weeks into the pregnancy to check on your fetuses growth and developement and possibly find out the gender.

Answer #3

In general Planned Parenthood does not perform ultrasounds. However, services vary at different clinics so some might. In some places Planned Parenthood is the only clinic in the area and offer a wider variety of services. Most Planned Parenthood clinics take private health insurance as well as Medicare and Medicaid. If you have a medical need for a sonogram and can not afford it than surely you will be able to get one somewhere. If you just want a memento of your pregnancy or wish to know your baby’s gender than nobody is going to do that for free.

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