Are there ways, besides wearing more/warmer clothing, to make or train your body to be more immune to the cold?

I get cold very very easily and often a lot faster and easier than other people.

Answer #1

Iron pills or foods that have iron in then….

Answer #2

Higher body fat percentage… more working out… ? I know it’s horrible to be cold all the time and trying to hike up the thermostat while no-one’s looking. I get cold when I’m hungry, and VERY cold when I’m on my period.

Answer #3

That’s what everyone keeps telling me, unfortunately I have problems gaining weight.

Answer #4

Try drinking Boost Hi Calorie - its quite good, 2 a day for a month should sort you out. I used to use it when I was going through problems with no appetite and food allergies.

Answer #5

Thank you!

Answer #6

Well i do some aasans of yoga which helps me to channelize my energy to keep myself heated.well it might take a month to train yourself but it will give you life long relief

Answer #7

Consider your body as a signalling device; it will signal you that it’s cold. Just work on ignoring that signal with controlled detachment from your sense of temperature. Life is what you make it, even regarding something as simple as the cold.

Answer #8

I once met a guy who seemed completely immune to cold. He went through the snow bare feet and with shorts. And then I asked him how he did it. And he said he has been on a polar expedition with his professor some years ago (He had studied meteorology). And as a preparation, they went through a training program led by some Russian elite soldiers. Where they had to sit in cold water with floating ice cubes and the like…

I still wonder how this is possible, but obviously, you can do a lot about that by mean training.

Answer #9

I agree with Devin. I live in Canada, and as much as we have a rep for being dang cold, in the winter WE ARE. I am not immune to it, but I am sure used to it. You have to ignore it when your body tells you that you are cold. It’s the best way to deal with it.

Remember, you can always fix it when you’re cold… not so much when you are way too hot.

Answer #10

I just realized you live in Toronto (I am in Oakville)… bundle up girl, cause winter is coming.

Answer #11

I just realized you live in Toronto (I am in Oakville)… bundle up girl, cause winter is coming.

Answer #12


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