Parents & Family Questions

  1. Dad's birthday card
  2. Moving out at 16
  3. How do you reveal to your parents you want to leave the house?
  4. How to get my mom to stop or cut back on smoking pot?
  5. Steve and his dad
  6. Can I move out when I turn 16?
  7. Strict parents
  8. How to handle my Mom's horrible boyfriend?
  9. Is it legal for a 13 year old to divorce her family?
  10. What if my Mom just ruined my birthday?
  11. How can I tell my mother that she's interfering?
  12. How to be comfortable talking to my parents?
  13. How old do you have to be to move out in Illinois?
  14. About to have a baby, any advice?
  15. How to find my Mom with just her full name?
  16. Is it normal to be sad when I'm adopted?
  17. How can I meet my Mother?
  18. How to get my overprotective parents to relax?
  19. I want a baby at 18
  20. How do I get my dad to respect my boyfriend?
  21. Searching for my mother
  22. More confusion in life
  23. Should my Mom be able to read my texts?
  24. How to deal with mom having surgery?
  25. Am I insane for wanting a kid at 16?
  26. Can my girlfriend legally move out of her house at 17?
  27. How do I get my Mom and sister to stop arguing?
  28. Can I tell my counselor of past abuse without it being reported?
  29. Why does my Mom hate me?
  30. Why did my parents take my phone away?
  31. 70 years old
  32. Former police officer who arrested his sister
  33. Is it normal for parents to act like this?
  34. Can I get emancipated at 15?
  35. What's your father's name?
  36. How can I get custody of my friend's son?
  37. What to do when your parents hate what you're like?
  38. How to tell my parents I'm moving out?
  39. How can my brother get our parents to approve his marriage?
  40. How to tell them I'm moving out?
  41. How to get into foster care?
  42. How to fix my relationship with my Mom?
  43. My 21 yr old daughter hates me
  44. Should I tell my best guy friend why I hate my life?
  45. Should I tell my Mom about my cutting?
  46. Divorce rate
  47. My life is falling apart
  48. Why do parents like to make their kids mad?
  49. Have you ever lied to your parents about where you are going?
  50. How to not have to leave after running away?
  51. What can I do to make my parents happy?
  52. How do I convince my mom that she deserves better?
  53. How to help my Mom with her drinking problem?
  54. How to tell my parents once I'm pregnant?
  55. How long until my parents trust me again?
  56. How to get my Dad to give me a break?
  57. Do you consider parents above GOD?
  58. How do I relate to my sister?
  59. How do I relate to my little brother?
  60. Pregnant at 17
  61. When can I move out?
  62. What to get my Mum for Mothers Day?
  63. How to deal with a past abortion?
  64. How should I deal with my dad?
  65. I am going to be in so much trouble
  66. How do you tell stop my bro and sis from interfering in my socia li
  67. Are there any positives to living with your parents at 19?
  68. Do we look alike?
  69. How long should I be grounded for?
  70. Whats your opinion on a lesbian couple trying to start a family?
  71. How to get my Dad to leave me alone?
  72. Why does my Stepmom make all my decisions?
  73. Should I be preparing for the worst with my Mom's health?
  74. How to control my anger?
  75. Can my abused friend move in with me?
  76. Why does my sister get jealous when she shouldn't?
  77. I hate my sister
  78. What if I love one stepsister more?
  79. How to handle it when my Mom is really sick?
  80. Legal age to move out in Missouri?
  81. What is the process to adopt a child?
  82. How many parents are ashamed to ask questions of your child's doc?
  83. why do parents do this?
  84. How to deal with a butthole of a sister-in-law?
  85. How to fix things with my Mom and stepdad?
  86. How to get my parents to let me date him?
  87. How can I be more independant?
  88. How to find my long lost sister?
  89. How to tell my parents to pay their part of the loan back?
  90. Should I move out so I can see my boyfriend?
  91. How to find my boyfriend's birth parents?
  92. How to tell my parents I'm applying to be a Suicide Girl?
  93. How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant?
  94. Family split up, what should I do?
  95. How to tell my Mom that I want to live with Dad?
  96. How to convince my parents to move closer to family?
  97. What do I do when my family argues?
  98. How to get out of living with my Mom?
  99. How to get my mom to leave me alone?
  100. How to deal with my Mom?