How do you tell stop my bro and sis from interfering in my socia li

My little sis (6th grade) and my little bro (3rd grade) keep on interfering in my social life. Like 2day I was chatting with one of my frineds on gmail and my bro kept on typing retarded stuff. And then my sis wont leave me alone. She like always tells me about her social life and I barely know any of her friends. So how can I stop them from interfering in my life. By the way, im in 7th grade. I need advice!!!

Answer #1

thnks angel14215. but I, cant drive. but at least ill try 2 spend more tiem wit her.

Answer #2

angel is right. Your sis is looking up to you. Get involved in her conversations. Your brother is pretty much everybody’s little brother. I wish I could tell you that there is a miracle cure for annoying little brother syndrome, but there’s not. Most little boys that age are awkward, annoying, attention starved, and obsessed with their bodily fluids. Fortunately, its not forever. When he is twenty six, there is a good chance he will outgrow his adoration of flatulance. JJ. My little brother is 18 and he is as cute as a button. Hang in there. They will be your best friends some day.

Answer #3

you dont need to drive, I dunno, watch a movie with her even on tv… just spend some time… it gives her something to look fwd to so she doesnt bug you…

Answer #4

Aw, she looks up to you and just wants a little attention… I would try doing something with her once in a while? I know you’re busy and you have your life, but what you rather have? a scheduled outting with her, say a movie, or like go for pizza just the two of you when she can tell you everything she wants or constant interuptions when you’re busy with other stuff?

as for your brother, you’re on your own…

Answer #5

thanks guys 4 the advice ill try my best. I also wish there was a cure for “annoying little brother syndrome” haha. lol.

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