How to tell my parents once I'm pregnant?

im 17 years old and I want to get pregnet , I have 4 years with my boyfriend and he is 20 years old, when I get pregnet im gona be scared to tell my parents because they are people that go crasy when they hear bad news , how should I tell them? what should I do so that things can go ok with no violence?

Answer #1

God child dont do it now! What will it hurt to wait a few years. You may find some other interests that will take away the pain for a baby. Try doing some babysitting for a few months then recosider.

Answer #2

Dear Cora, I want you ot put the need to get pregnant on hold…It’s Ok to want what you want..I am asking you to simply put it on hold. Would you funmail me with the response to the following questions? (with no denial…be open and honest with yourself)

1.Does your boyfriend ever talk about marriage, and spending the rest of his life with you? 2.Is he just as excited as you when it comes to having children?

  1. If he is 20 and just as excited as you about becoming a parent and taking on all of the responsibilities that go with it…Could you talk to him about setting a date to get married before children, with NO excuses? 4.Do you think that he loves you as much as you love him?
  2. Do you feel loved by your Mom and Dad?
  3. Do you feel your boyfriend is becoming more distant from you and maybe becoming pregnant will keep him closer and in your life? With the seriousness of the question that you posted on this site…Now is NOT the time to answer the above questions in denial or trying to alter your answers to get what or who you think you want. Familycoach
Answer #3

Honey I understand the want to get pregnant, When I was a little girl I said I wanted to be just like my grandma and have 10 children. What was I thinking. Ok your thinking pregnant, everybody loves a pregnant girl you get attention baby showers people love to be around you take you out to eat, but then you have the baby. Its a whole different story now you have to get up all hours of the night you have to have a bottle ready when they want it. No going out unless you can find a baby sitter. Then someone said hes not even around. Honey its hard with two, imagine how hard alone, are you thinking I get pregnant he will get us a house my mom will let me be grown. Its not what your expecting, having a baby changes everything. Sometimes it even hinders relationships. This guy may run if you get pregnant. He might not be ready. One of the biggest issues is you live with your momma and you are not married. You are 17 years old once you have this baby life stops trust me til they are at least 16 theirselves. Im 21 years old and have a beautiful three year little girl and wouldn’t take the world for her but ill tell you what I would have done gotten married because now im a single parent, and I would have definitley waited a lot longer to have her I feel like my life was took from me I wish I could go party like my old friends and spend the night places or whatever hits me to do but now thats pretty impossible at this stage. Are you thinking all my friends are doing it, they are all getting pregnant, if they can It I can to? I know people like that. Im telling you this for you. I relized life didn’t start til my twenties and now im tied down. I hope you have a job, if you dont who you plan on buying all those diapers and clothes because they grow fast from one month to the next the meds when they get sick that cost. Your transportation back fourth to the doctor. There is so much I know you havent considered I really wish you would reconsider the getting pregnant thing. I wasnt ready an im sure you want be either, dont get my wrong I know how to raise a child and im doing a great job, I was just not ready to want to be in charge a another life. And put my life on hold because thats exactly what happens. You need to stay in school and get your education because the only job you can get w/o finishing school is McDonalds. Now what kind of job is that to raise a baby on. O yeah what about child care that really cost about 90 dollars a week and working at McDonalds that your whole check. Im not trying to be rude Im just telling the truth before you make a mistake and regret it. If you want to talk more you can fun mail me. I probabley have some interestng stories and such for you

Answer #4

What make syou so eager to be pregnent? you are just under 18 and bein a MOM at this age may lead to some problems. Anyway if you have decided to go for this, speak to your parents first before that

Answer #5

I really don’t mean to be rude but you are not ready to get pregnant. If you cant spell it then you don’t need to do it. For your sake and the sake of any future kids please finish your education. You won’t regret it if you do.

Why do so many young girls want to have a baby while they are still babies themselves?

Answer #6

I agree with jules22871, sorry sister! I wouldn’t have a relationship with someone from another country either. Personaly, how can you fully give yourself to someone when you only see them 2 months out of every year? that is not enough time to get to know someone good enough to date them. besides, you may not even know him very well. there are lots of men out there that take advantage of us girlies. you have been with him 4 years? wow you were really young and he was way older considering the time and ages when you first met. your ages now its not as big of a deal, but then when you first met it is. 13 and 16 is a large gap in maturity level. I dont know hun, doesn’t sound logical.

Answer #7

Take it from experience. WAIT! I’m 18, my boyfriend and I have been together about four years also. I have a beautiful 6 month old daughter. Live becomes tough with a baby. So much responsibility. You have to wake up all the time, you NEVER sleep. You have to be able to afford that baby as well. You give up your life when you have a baby. I got lucky and I have a good job and my husband has a good job as well. We currently live together. You have to pay for that baby and those bills. You don’t want that. I’m happy. But, trust me you don’t want a baby right now. STAY YOUNG. GO PARTY.. LIVE YOUR LIFE. Then, when you have a stable relationship and a stable job, maybe in like a couple years, consider it.

Answer #8

why do you so badly want to be pregnant right now?

Answer #9

no, dont get pregneant wait until your 18 so its not stagitory rape. then wait till you BOTH get a good job and a stable place to live. then when you tell your parents they cant say sh!t.

Answer #10

Stick to anal.

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