What to do when your parents hate what you're like?

I’m an emo, and my parents hate it. They want me to be one of those goody two-shoes girly people thats perfect in every way. I keep trying to tell them that this is how I am, and they just get pissed off. They expect me to change and do things just because that’s how they want it. What should I do?

Answer #1

Dear ariadaoftheflesh ,

William Shakesphere once said that “ above all to thine own self be ture”

It is a quote that I have well lived by for many many years inspite of what my parents when I had been living with them thought.

Trying to be some one else will never work I will tell you that now and lying to your self will eat you up inside. so don’t do it save your self the missery if at all possible.

If you can not explain to your parents that it is who you are right now and that you can not change it then don’t try and tell them just go on wiht it. Don’t be sorry for not being the child they want..lol…we do not pick our familes after all you where born into them yes but by know means are you bond to them you alll have your own lives to live although they tie in with eachother you will not always be their’s in the since where you are not always going to live with them. they are making a common mistake ( one parents every where make) they are espectting to much and not some thing you can even give to them at this point or that I beleive is fair for them to ask.

Be whoyou are and at the least you your self will be liberated.

May you find the peace you are looking for and may your parents understand an exsept you for you GOd made you to be.

Dark Wolf

Answer #2

well I’m not trying to be rude, but putting a lable on yourself and calling yourself “an emo” as opposed to saying that you are an emotional person (which is what this apparent “emo” is) is just asking for criticism and unacceptance. just thought I’d put that out there.

Answer #3

Right on keelmart, you shouldn’t label yourself. Emo is a music and fashion style not a character trait. And aside from that I don’t blame your parent for not wanting you to be “Emo” as the preconception that comes to mind is a depressed and sadomasochistic person. Hence the joke “I wish my lawn was Emo because then it would cut itself.” So maybe you should just be you and not conform to be trendy and fit in.

“If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it’s another nonconformist who doesn’t conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity.” (Bill Vaughan)

Answer #4

Just hang in there! Hopefully they will soon see that they can’t change you and stop trying. Don’t change just because people don’t like how you are. Your parents love you and think that if you are the way they want you to be then things will be easier for you. Try to remember that when you are dealing with them. I hope things get better for you!

Answer #5

Always be yourself[:

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