How to get my mom to stop or cut back on smoking pot?

Im 14 years old and know my mom has been smoking pot since I remember, because she was honest. I used to not mind it but now its hard not to hate it. I dont get abused but basically everything in my life is affected. I know I should stay out of it but she could at least cut back a bit or when I talk to her about it, not be so flat out annoying.

The things affected:

  1. We are always late to anything, anywhere, anytime, no matter what it is we are going to be late due to her, “washing her face…” …With a lighter?

  2. She is constantly on a rise and crash cycle, sometimes ill act a certain way around her when she is not high, or just getting high, and its great. But other times when is begins to wear off I get the complete opposite reaction when doing things that an hour ago she appreciated or thought was ok and cool.

  3. Everytime I talk to her about it, she has to act so god damn cool or “chill” about the subject. Addressing me as dog, or “whatitdo”, or telling me I need to chill and get all up out of her face before she “popps” me. *We are as white tighty as can get but on pot she just turns into this “uber cool chick everyone loves, and is just living life”…Live your life after im out of it.

  4. We live with her parents! Which may seem like a plus because she is going in to the family buisness and my grandparents are rich, but we dont even sleep in the same house.. I live in one house she lives in the other. And when she isnt home she is always with her stoner friends, almost every day… but oh im sorry I forgot that is what “cool, single parents do everyday to find a campanion…every single night you meet a guy but he is never mr. perfect…and besides how many mr. rights can be found at a good ol’ class place such as a “bar”.

  5. I just found this out today… She gets my dog high… I was just talking about the weirdness of a dog eating hash brownies and shes like oh yeah Anuka doesnt like getting high. I was like hunh…oh haha thinking she was kidding… No it isnt even her first animal… And did you guys know that cats love getting high? cause apparently they do. we dont even own any cats o_O

  6. Last but not least, my social home life is gone because everytime I invite someone over I am yelled at because of her mood swings, her “chillaxed” attitude, or the fact that she forgot some pot head company was coming over and it was my fault.

How do I get her to caught back?? I love her to death, and dont want her out of my life at all but I cant stand marijuana, call me a hypocrite for smoking the crazy canibus like 4 times in my life, but I dont have children…

Help please… and she is 31…I don’t know why I said that…

Answer #1

lol sry but thats funny hows bout you let it not bother u your still too young to know what is what when your older and have a better understanding of things then you have the right to judge

Answer #2

…dont listen to the man above me …the only reson he said that is because …HE SMOKES TOO!!!…maybe if yu can without getting into a interactin with your mom…try to take some of it away…hid it !!! if your always late then try to find someone else to take you so your not late!!! dont let it bother you but kep reminiding her…that its not ok to do it around you and …im not saying stay away from her but avoid her being”GANGSTA”… and ‘COOL’… Try to tell her that shes not being a good mother with out hurting her feelings… Maybe when you get of age…MOVE OUT!!! Hopd ii helped !!! …Domo…

Answer #3

if you’ve talked to her about it several times and she doesn’t care enough to listen, then there is obviously something wrong. marijuana is not a drug that is supposed to place a physical addiction on the user, but it can happen if you use it enough times. if your mother can’t go a week without getting high then there is a huge problem. she’s an addict. she feels that marijuana is part of who she is. it’s 100% unhealthy and she needs professional help. living at home with her parents at 31? a drug user? and still acting like a 15 year old? that’s not a mother anybody wants. you sound more sensible then her. talk to your grandparents about it, and get them to help knock some sense into her.

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