Parents & Family Questions

  1. Telling my mom about boyfriend
  2. Why won't they stop fighting?
  3. My mom is all over me all the time.
  4. Mom is mean
  5. Parents smothering me.
  6. What should I do about my jackass dad?
  7. Everything is impossible
  8. Why is it that I scare loved ones intentionally?
  9. Having a really hard time at home what do I do?
  10. I want to be free
  11. What should I do about my mom and I?
  12. Mom Trouble
  13. Horrible mom
  14. Are Brothers or Sisters Worse?
  15. Moving out at 16
  16. Sister steals food
  17. Any ideas for Fathers' Day gifts?
  18. Parents Fighting
  19. How do I make my boyfriend's dad forgive me?
  20. Can someone get his fathers inheritance if they've never met?
  21. How do I ask my mum about a bra?
  22. Naming a baby
  23. Problems at home.
  24. Can I move out of my parents home in Texas
  25. What if there was a hospital mixup?
  26. Really worried about my Grandmother
  27. The inevitable "What are you doing/getting for Dad's day" question
  28. I don't know what to get my Dad for Father's Day
  29. My stepdad abuses me, can I leave?
  30. How should I deal with my strict parents?
  31. How to get my husband to understand my decision
  32. Moving out at 17
  33. West virginia, can a 16 year old move out if she is pregnant?
  34. Is it wrong if im mad at her?
  35. Im a aspiring metalhead musician my parents dont' know
  36. Violent parents, how will this impact me?
  37. My sister is kind of weird
  38. What's the reason for being rejected by family?
  39. Is my dad going to Hell for this?
  40. My life is falling apart.
  41. Brother and mother trouble
  42. Can I tell my sister I'm a lesbian?
  43. My siblings do not include me.
  44. Would you cry if your parents were divorcing?
  45. Emotionally inconsistant mom
  46. My mom and dad want to put me back in counseling
  47. My Grampa calls me Pauper now
  48. Parents and boyfriends
  49. What are your thoughts on Autism causes and treatments?
  50. How can I find a lost relative
  51. How to get my dad to undersatnd me
  52. I want to be more like my cousin
  53. My mom wont let me chill with my friend
  54. How to control myself around my Dad who makes me mad?
  55. Dad trouble
  56. I was lied to part 3
  57. I was lied to (Part 2)
  58. I have found out that my "mom" is actually my grandmother
  59. How many siblings?
  60. Should I let her see her family?
  61. My parents found out I tried weed
  62. Mom won't talk to me since I talked to my Dad
  63. What Does Social Services do?
  64. Don't want my Dad to jump on me again
  65. Fathers day
  66. How to convince my Mom to let me go on vacation with a friend?
  67. How to let my brother know I don't care that he's gay?
  68. An Emo Problem Need Help Soon
  69. Anyone else have an annoying sister?
  70. Arguing parents
  71. My girlfriend wants nothing to do with my parents
  72. Emancipation in idaho
  73. Mom's Boyfriend
  74. Worried about my Mom who is late from a bike ride
  75. How do I tell my mom I just want to see her every other weekend?
  76. How to compromise with my parents
  77. How do I get my parents to stop checking up on me?
  78. Can you move out at the age 16?
  79. Fathers Day
  80. Stupid curfew
  81. Is it possible for two brown eyed people to have a blue eyed baby?
  82. Why cant we get along
  83. How to approach my Mom about her coke use?
  84. Somebody please help
  85. Enfamil checks
  86. My parents won't let me even talk to my boyfriend!
  87. When is the soonest I can move out?
  88. My life problem
  89. How can I block out the past?
  90. Mom always criticizes my weight
  91. My siblings, how to get along
  92. Emancipation without parents permission
  93. 9 months pregnant and Mum doesn't know
  94. Vindictive but fun ways to get to my Stepdad?
  95. What do I buy my Fiance's 85yr old grandma
  96. My Mom is back at the hospital
  97. I'm 16 and want to move out
  98. Parents won't let me move out
  99. Is wanting another baby normal?
  100. Can you move out through housing benefits at 15?