Having a really hard time at home what do I do?

I need help I have a rely bad home and I dont want to be here aney more I want to die things happend to day that you wouldent even bleave I realy dont want to do it but I cant talk it what should I do I’ve put up with so much in my life and I cant take it aney more

Answer #1

This sounds like what I went through at home. I would recomend talking to someone like another relative or if you go to church, talk to someone from there. I know what’s like to want to die myself. I would also recomend moving out and living somewhere else if possible. I don’t know what’s going on with you at home that’s making you not to want to live there anymore but, if its your parenst, you need to move out. I’m recently going through troubles in my lifetime but, since I don’t live at home, and I know what’s like to live at home and put up with parents and siblings who don’t treat you right. (When living at home, you don’t feel welcomed there anymore and, you feel like comitting suicide). I’ve been there done that. If you feel that way, seek help right away. I know when I was adopted from China, things for me were alright at first until I grew older. As I grew older myself, I was mistreated and at 17 I wanted to commit suicide and up to this day, I just recently reverted back because I recently placed a PPO against my father for touching, fondling, and so forth. I don’t know if your having simmular problems but, you need to find people that’ll love you and give you support. Now, my support is my church since I’m LDS/Mormon and, when I finally was able to tell my suicidal thoughts about my family even though I don’t live at home, I pretty much scared a couple people I love in church. I know that I really scared my LDS Branch President. I just thought I’d share my story with you. As far as your home invirement, it sounds like your going through simmular treatments with your family and they probably don’t make you feel welcomed either. So, please, move out if you can, and seek help. Hope I could help. Oh, by the way, your in my prayers and, see if your church can support you in these kinds of situations.

Answer #2

You are not alone. Many have walked down the same path that you are walking. You simply need to talk to someone. If you can’t find someone near you, try Fun Mailing someone on this site and use them as a sounding board. Sometimes just verbalizing your problems helps you see a solution.

Also,   If you are having problems or are depressed, below are a couple of sites that may help you:


Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.


In the U.S.A., you also have access to:

Girls and Boys Town National Hotline

Call With Any Problem, Any Time



Answer #3

Oh my god honey really call them and get help. You do not need to be alone. I had a miserable childhood growing up and no one was there for me. But you have a choice get help as soon as you can. You are worth it!!!

Answer #4

If you’ve been abused, call Child Protective Services and you’ll get immediate help.

Answer #5

I feel the same way.. like exactly..

Answer #6

Like what kind of problems exactly? Break it down for me. What are you the most upset with?

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