How to compromise with my parents

I want to stay oput l8r wid mii m8s on the wkd and I have to b in before every1 else How do I comprimise with my parents to let me stay out later Mwah Thnks -x- Lozza <3

Answer #1

mabe you could workk harder for them or mabe sit down and have a talk with them

Answer #2

I know how you feel I have strict parent and they don’t let me do nothin I have to wait until I go out with them to go see my friends butn away you should just tell them how you feel

Answer #3

You’re only 13 and a half. Your parents are doing what they think best to protect you from many things.

As you continue to get older and to demonstrate your trustworthiness, they’ll probably start letting you have a longer leash.

Answer #4

Think of something that you don’t do as well at that your parents think you could do better in… Work a little harder and maybe they will let you have a later curfew… That’s what my parents do…

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