Parents won't let me move out

Okay, so I live about 108 miles from the school and thats too and from the school, so I’m wanting to move into a dorm. I also have classes that start very early in the morning, anyways, my dad is really upset that I have even considered moving out of his house and into a dorm on my own. Should I stay with my parents and just be unhappy where I can’t enjoy the school and everything they have to offer, or should I keep talking to my dad and telling him how much I want to be in the dorms? By the way, I am 21 years of age and no I can’t just get up and leave because I don’t want my parents to hate me!

Answer #1

It’s not your parent’s decision, it’s yours. If they don’t want you to, then tell them to suck it up and move on. But if you want to stay unhappy forever..that’s you.

Answer #2

your parens will not hate you. It may take some time for the adjustment but this is typical daddy does not want his little girl to grow up. yes I know you are not a little girl anymore but try to convince him of that

Answer #3


I apologize for the seemingly random contact, but I got your information from this Fun Advice thread, and I thought that you may be interested in and able to help me with a project that I am working on. I’m a Researcher and Casting Agent at MTV who is currently working on a documentary on Being Stuck at Home.

You may or may not be familiar with MTV’s True Life – it’s a long-running, award winning documentary series that seeks to have young people share their stories, in their own words. The format is strictly first person, which is to say that we don’t filter the voices of our subjects through narrators or any similar third parties. All we do is follow them; it’s our hope that by allowing these people to use their own voices to tell their stories, and communicating directly with their peers, we can impact the way people interact and engage with the world they live in.

One of the themes we’re currently exploring for our new season, and this new show, is the pressures of feeling stuck at home. Some of the themes include: Are you at the age where everyone has left their parents’ house but you’re still living at home? Do you like the idea that your mom still cooks and does your laundry? Do your parents nag you to get a place of your own, but you can’t, or just don’t see the point? Or do you have a significant other who wants you to get a place of your own at last? Conversely, are your parents refusing to let you leave home? Do you feel that you are adult and able to leave but worry about offending your family by leaving home?

After reading your posting on Fun Advice where you discuss your relationship with your parents, we thought that a project like this could interest you. If this sounds like something that you might consider, I’d love to give you more information about this project – and if you know of anyone else it might be beneficial to contact, please do let us know. I can be reached via email at or by phone at 212-654-4992.

Thank you so much for any assistance that you can offer. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards, Kristen Research/Casting MTV News & Docs

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