Mom's Boyfriend

My mom has a new boyfriend and he likes to take control of me. he has resticted:rated are movies, TV-14, documentaries and anything that he feels is “exp-licit” to me. he also likes to know where I am and what I’m doing at almost every min of my life. I do not do anything after school just come over watch tv and go to bed and do the chores for the day. ever since he started dating her my mom hasnm’t been trusting me at all and she knows that she cannot keep tabs on me all the time and I am 16 1/2 now and I will move out when I turn 18. so what should I do about this cause I cannot deal with him at all. he took away my favorite show family guy and american dad. just I need some ideas cause I am about to throw my self in juvie if I have to deal with him any longer

Answer #1

talk to your mom when he is away from home and tell him he’s not your father and he can’t tell you what to do and that was your house before hime and dont listen to anything he tells you.

Answer #2

sit down and tell your mom how you feel about these unnecessary rules if she cares about you she will put a stop to this

Answer #3

Just look away when you see him. My dad is the same way. If he thinks I’m using an aditude then e grounds me for a week. Like this week, Yesterdy I droped the remote by him sohe could chang the chanle s ohe thought I was using a aditude so I’m grounded for a week. I gget to play on the computer and stuff today because I helped him clean.

Answer #4

This is such a difficult thing. I don’t believe he has any right to control you in a parental way. I’ve had step kids for 18 years and I still do not consider myself their mother. Any disciplinng is handled by their dad, and I am there for the nice times with them. I don’t see how it can work any other way…

You need to talk to your mom about this. Also try and arm yourself before-hand. See if you can do some reading on step families and the dynamics that occur within them, and how difficult it can be for everyone involved. Its not an easy thing and other peoples experiences can be helpful. After you’ve talked to your mom, maybe talk to both of them and try not to alienate him too much. He may be way out of his depth. Does he even have kids of his own?

Answer #5

what you just wrote here you need 2 tell your mom and talk 2 her about it like how you feel

Answer #6

he doesn’t have any kids and he like t EVERYTHING about me

Answer #7

tell him that you need space, and that if he doesn’t back off, you will just be FORCED to disobey all his rules

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