Parents & Family Questions

  1. Mothers Day-What did you get?
  2. What do I do about my dad >=[
  3. Ungrounding? Best way to talk with parents?
  4. Ughhh.. Why are Parents such a pain in the butt.?
  5. How can I contact my cousin?
  6. so un cool
  7. Good thing to say to your teen daughter when she complains
  8. Problems with sister
  9. Prgenant and losing my family :s ..
  10. What Should I Do?
  11. Cousin trouble!!!
  12. Mum hates my boyfriend
  13. Parents trouble
  14. Can move out
  15. Is dad still having an affair?
  16. Friend says that she wants to come over, mom will ground me if so
  17. help me stop my teen from cutting herself.
  18. Do you get spanked as an adult
  19. Is beating a child, Parental Abuse?
  20. I need parents advice...or someone who had the same trouble...
  21. my lil cuzin...
  22. I cant believe my parents said this to me!
  23. I want to get out
  24. sister
  25. How to find my mom
  26. friendship going wrong???
  27. I Miss My Mommy..
  28. Laws about Teen Moving Away?
  29. Traditional but pregnant
  30. Friends mum is a thief
  31. Going deeper into my problem
  32. I hate my Stepdad, What now?
  33. Will they get a divorce?
  34. BabyGurl & BabyBoy Namez?
  35. Mom is diying
  36. Should my parentz help?
  37. dad won't listen
  38. Broke my PSP screen, Dad is mad
  39. Moving out of parents room
  40. This may be a Stupid Question but..
  41. Can I leave at 16?
  42. How do I tell her?
  43. My parents hate me and I feel like an outcast
  44. How does it work
  45. STD's Shots?
  46. Shold I give in to my parent's wishes?
  47. one of my parents read my mail
  48. How to find my real Mom?
  49. Parents and Leaving
  50. Mum problems
  51. Help With My Current Parent Situation!!!
  52. Does anyone on here have a twin?
  53. People just love messing with my family
  54. Is this stupid to you?
  55. What to tell my parents?
  56. Leaving my parents and renting a place
  57. Better relationship with parents?
  58. Emancipation in oregon; please read and help!
  59. Did my mom have to ball my song up
  60. Boyfriend mom doesnt approve of us being together
  61. question about emmancipation in new york
  62. Parents?
  63. What do you do when you can't seem to do any thing right ?
  64. what am I going to do when my grandma die
  65. Does anyone feel like home
  66. My sisters 5th birthday
  67. Confronting parents about moving out at 18 while in HS
  68. How do I tell my parents I feel they are to blame?
  69. Anger :/
  70. Stress about mom!
  71. She won't let him see her
  72. Needing to find advocates asap
  73. Guardianship in Texas
  74. Long Story Please :'( Need Familyy Advicee ! ASAP
  75. NEED FAMILY ADVICE!@#$%^&*
  76. A Mothers Trust
  77. Telling my mom about a miscarriage
  78. How to help my brother
  79. my step daughter
  80. Moms 54th birthday..
  81. parental issues
  82. Scared from my dad
  83. AT&T texting..
  84. Can my mom stop me from getting psychiatric help?
  86. Friends Dad will view our messages
  87. how could my parents find out I was on porno sites?
  88. What to bring when running away?
  89. Help wit my dad?
  90. My GRAND mother in law.. hates me
  91. Can my daughter move out at 17 in Florida
  92. B-DAY
  93. Aspergers Children and Violence
  94. Jamie Lynne Spears
  95. mom probs
  96. stepmom pissed I got a new car
  97. My sister :( !!!
  98. 17 and I would be 18 by the time I had the baby, good idea?
  99. my free spring break trip.. or not?
  100. Teenagers and babies?