Shold I give in to my parent's wishes?

Im depressed and a loner most of the parents are traditionalists and they expect me to get married(arranged)when im 21 or not ready for it and hate the idea of arranged parents dont understand that I’d rather die than get mother gets emotional and sometimes cries when I say no to it and I feel bad .but I know that if I get married I’ll kill myself.I dont know to take care of myself andim not very parents are over protective .what should I do?

Answer #1

Traditons are hard to break and not make someone upset. But I think you need to sit down with your parents and tell them that you would rather Die then get married to someone you are not in love with or that you are not ready, you must be prepared for the answer they give back, they make kick you out, Everyone needs to respect everyone’s belief’s. There feelings may be more important and you may make them feel like a failure in the eyes of there commutiy, HOWEVER this does not mean that I don’t think you should be happy, I am just saying they make make you leave, And you will learn how to take care of yourself, If there anyone else in the family you can talk to about this that may have a more of an open mind like you? I would start there. Good luck and remember killing yourself is a very coward act and a copout. Stay strong and you will shine through.

Answer #2

ah, my mother’s on my case too (luckily I have my dad backing me up), indian mothers are brought up learning how to emotionally blackmail their kids… if you dont know how to take care of yourself, well now is about time you start learning how… get a job if you dont already have one… even if it is a part time job, even if it’s for a few hours a week, a little responsibility will help you feel more confident, you’ll get to meet some people, you’ll be more active and these things will not only help with the depression but with you being lonely… start learning how to cook if you dont already know how. start learning how to manage your finances. Go open a bank account (you do not need your parents permission), if you dont already do this, start doing your own home chores… try and help with the running of the house stuff. learn how to get around, can you drive? can you get around with the public transportation? do you go to college? if you feel helpless do something about it. Believe me, I know it seems overwhelming. It’s not easy to take care of yourself. It’s sometimes easier to think maybe you should just get married and have someone take care of you. And yet you dont want to be stuck like that. So you know, life is difficult… All you have to remember is baby steps… You dont have to go out and do all these things today. Start small. Write a resume (if you dont have a job). Open a bank account. You are capable of taking care of yourself and getting out, making friends, getting a life, and not being depressed. Baby steps and you’ll get there…

Answer #3

sounds like me. I dont want to get married or have children ever. the thought of having to take care of children is horrifying withme. my parents say I will want children but I dont. so my traditions say that I have to have an arranged marriage. I will run away days before the wedding so yeah and move to ireland. lol my bro is playing a song called its my life and yeah its your life. tell me what would happen to ya if yo said no.

Answer #4

get the life on your own…

leave them if they cant get over the idian traditions …

explain her how you see the things and if she cant stick with your plans than you have to leave.

Answer #5

I wouldn’t say don’t listen to them, get to know the person they want you to marry (this way you can say you tried) then if it’s brilliant go ahead or get-together with them but don’t marry. If you don’t like the person or don’t want a serious relationship carry on with life.

Answer #6

It’s your life and your choice. Explain to them that you are thankful for there care and guidance but now you are old enough to make you own decisions and you are not ready to sign your life away just yet.

Answer #7

It’s your life, you should make the choices. speak to you mother, tell her how very very unhappy it is making you. Most parents will rather see their children be happy then anything else in the world. Also your parents will get over the fact that you don’t want to marry if they see that you are successful and a happy person.

Good luck.

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