my lil cuzin...

k I’m REALLY worried bout my 7 year old cuzin, he likes 2 play house, wants 2 be a cheerleader. very emotional, sits like a girl, blinks like a girl, plays with make-up and LOVES 2 play with barbies! the truth iz… I’m worried he might be um… changing… gay. WHAT DO I DO???

Answer #1

My brothers also played with dolls etc etc.. believe me, the are NOT gay, it doesn’t mean anything at that age. stop worrying about it and just leave him to play.

Answer #2

Playing with dolls doesn’t make you gay. Enjoying males sexually makes you gay.

He’s just a little kid, leave him alone.

Also, when he grows up, if he’s gay, while you DO have the right to think it’s wrong, you do NOT have the right to treat him badly.

Answer #3

okay im sure hes just doing what he sees other people doing I highly doubt he will be gay hes only 7 hes still a baby…

Answer #4

u should make him do boy things. like if he wants to play barbie you should suggest boy toys like trucks or playing video games. if he wants to do makeup then how about you suggesting playing basketball or playing catch. just get him to do boy things and try to make him like it so he can change his behavior

Answer #5

hey, I have my rite 2 be worried, iz family. plus I’m NOT tha only one… people just got 2 know him and hiz dad in real life 2 see what I mean…

Answer #6

who cares/, hopefully either way you’ll still love him. AND its definetly to young to jump to conclusions, Just let him do his own thing. If my own bro was gay I wouldn’t care he is still my brother. You shouldn’t try to change people. My sister is actually gay and she is still my sister and its not even weird, I would just chill out if I were you. its quite immature as in elder to freak out over something like this. children that age need support let them explore every aspect of life. not limit them to being what you consider acceptable for a male. remmember either way he is SEVEN! I rhink its incredibly krappy of you to be looking down on him like that. Family is family, end of story.

Answer #7

kidz will be kids they do what they see I have a 2yr old lil boy who sees me painting my toes and he wants me to do his or he sees his dad working on his car and he wants to help..u just have to teach him the diff.between girls and boys and whats for girls and whats for boys after that when he get way OLDER he will make his choice…I once had somebody in my family talk about there son and how much he liked being around girls and doing girl things how do you know he wont grow up to know how to take care of a woman really well or knows what a woman likes just because he liked girls things..but yall really shudnt worry hes 7..and I dont get what you mean about his dad…my sons father is mexican and he is one of the most manly men there is so it has nothing to do with the dad..good luck..

Answer #8

I have a cousin who did the same thing and turned out to be gay…theres not really nothing you can do…I tried to get him into playing basketball and watching kung fu movies…but theres not much you can do about it sorry…

Answer #9

He’s just a kid,I did the same when I was his age. I grew out of all that. To be honest you don’t have the right to treat him bad or tell him what he can and can’t do,that’s judging.

Leave him be and let him make his own decision.

Answer #10

I think hes doing all this because he may look up to you, you may be his hero & just wants to be accepted!

kids do copy everything teenagers & adults do, my 2 yr old son copies everything I do, cause he sees me more than my husband, I had a nephew who did that from young, right up to 8/9, hes now 20 and is straight as, just a phase maybe, I wish you all the best & you are a great cousin to care for him so much Bless you both! xo

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