How do I tell my parents I feel they are to blame?

How do I tell my parents that I feel they are too blame for all my confusion in terms of school because they are. They made me change highschools because my mom had problems with her job and the time I changed was a very hard time. I had too study so much extra to be at the same level as the others at the new school which kept me away from my old real friends and I lost them, made new ones but they weren’t real friends just acquitances and kept me away from activities I loved 2 do. As for studying my dad had 2 help me all the time and I still was not a great student. Then when university came I didn’t know what to study because they limited my choices at the school. I have changed 3 times my major and 3 univerisities and am not doing well. I go 2 classes and don’t understand absolutely anything of what they teach. I can’t motivate myself 2 study. I can’t do this and don’t want 2 do this and especially not for my parents since it’s for them that I’m doing it. The day I graduate is the day they will be satisfied with me. Well I don’t care whether they are or they are not satisfied with me. I don’t care whether they love me or not. They have another daughter who is smart and finishing her 2nd and maybe going for a 3rd degree like they want. I tried 2 hurt myself by takin pills twice and said I would never do anythin like that again because it’s not worth it especially the pain I caused my parents but I wanna do it again because of them. What do I do? How do I tell them how I feel? I wanna get away from them their trap.

Answer #1

As long as you blame your parents, you are in bondage to your thinking…freedom comes with taking responsibility of YOUR part in things. This isn’t an “all or nothing” responsibility (just the part that YOU need to focus on)…simply by “seeing” your OWN part in how things are, allows you the freedom to change what you can…and the only thing you truly CAN change is yourself…being a victim is like being in “emotional jail”…You can do this…and I promise you, you’ll LOVE the freedom.


Answer #2

I agree with amblessed, it is your life take charge of it, If you feel you need to talk to your parents, then yes I would tell them, but I think I would do it with a counsler present.

But I am back to, it is your life. You can’t blame other people for your problems, once you reach a certain age you are able to make your own choices.

Answer #3

Ok, so they put you in a bit of a tricky situation at school. Move on. Study properly at uni, and you’ll get a degree. Stop blaming your parents. It’s not their fault you’re finding it hard to study just now. If you don’t want to stay at uni, quit and get a job. Stop blaming your mum for the stuff you’re failing at now.

Answer #4

talk to your parents…look im 13 and I can come up to my mom (not in a rude way) and say how I feel and them shell understand …so tell your mom maybe shell understand a loosen up a bit and maybe your mom will talk to your dad and calm him down

Answer #5

Buckle up - take personal responsibility - you are not the poor ‘victim’ - you can try and tell your parents it was ALL them…but they know you.

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