My friend well her parents are sperated and shes always sad about I think they might get a dirvorce what should I do to cheer her up when that happens please help

Answer #1

you just need to be a friend, don’t walk on egg shells around her, if she wants to talk about it then listen, if she does not then do what ever it is you normally do together.

Answer #2

aww poor girl :( my heart goes out to her… I have been through the same thing and I know how hard it can be… because its dificult sein two people that you luv in dis situation… well tym is a great healer and she will soon start movin on… you neva 4get bowt thesethings but you just find it easier to deal with… the best thing you can do is look after her and be there for her… listen to what she says… wipe her tears and show her you care… tell her that her parents still love her its just that they don’t love each other any more… try taking her out… noo clubbin and stuff just a stress free day but the best thing would be to get a quiet movie in o sumfin and relax… but make sure that you don’t ge 2 pushy in takin her out and stuff as this wil get annoyin… basically give her what she needs and wants :) hope I have helpes and funmail me if you want :) x

Answer #3

Well if I were you I would plan some time together and just take her “away” … Try to get her mind off it for a little bit because thuough she will eventually need to face this she probablly needs a break right now. Don’t force her to talk about it but be ready if she does to let her know that she’s gonna have friends through this.

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