Help With My Current Parent Situation!!!

I need some advice with my current parent situation. I am 15, turning 16 this june. my mom was married first to my real father, then they dicorced. well, then she got the bright idea to marry the man I hate.(yes,HATE) he is always mean to me. and he is a dick about everything he can possibly find. he is extremely overprotective, and has turned my mom into a overprotective person also. my mom always takes his side over mine and it really hurts. why would a mother take a good-for-nothing buttholes side, over her own son??? makes no sense to me. my step-dad also is a butthole about EVERYTHING. everytime my friends come over, he comes up with a big list of things he says I have to do, then tells my friend they have to leave. he tries to tell me how much milk I need in my cereal. how I should cook pizza rolls in the microwave instead of using the oven. he makes me bring my laptop in the living room every night so he can see it (when my aunt is the one who bought it for me on my birthday). he also tries to make me leave my cell phone in the living room also at night, but I dont listen. My step-dad is a HUGE christian finatic. he wont let me get regular cable, even if I pay for it myself, because cable TV is “ungodly”.So we have this weird satellite called “SKY ANGEL, and EVERY GD CHANNEL IS PREACHING. He says if you listen to anything that isnt worshipping god, that it is bad music. they go to church 4 times a week, and our church lasts 3-4 hours!!! they say I cant bring my ipod in the car on the way to church because I dont need my mind on “bad music”. but my step-dad is allowed to bring his mp4 player in the car and play it through the car, he makes everyone listen to Preaching he has in mP3’s. They live their live as if they dont know about the real world, and they are stuck in a christian fairy tale. I was staying with my real dad on the weekends last year.I was going to move in with him.his girlfriend bought him a gun for his birthday, but he wasnt allowed to have it, so when she decided to break up with him, the girl turned him in the police. so he’s in jail until 2011. it hurts because I loved my dad and his girlfriend very much. they gave me the life I always dreamed of. so now I guess im stuck in hell for 2 more years. he also has turned my mom into a more agressive person. when they think I do something wrong, they threaten to paddle me, smack me in the mouth, knock me out, or take away my computer (which isnt even theirs). they have hit me before when they lose their temper. they treat me like a little kid. and when I go outside he says that I can only go where he can look out the kitchen window and see me. I hate him. we have been living like this for 6 years. I also have siblings that they treat better than me. any advice or comments??

Answer #1

yea kyle, do what lkween said DONT LISTEN TO THE @$$ HOLE

Answer #2

Call child welfare - if they are hitting you, it’s abuse and you don’t have to take it.

Answer #3

tell him he isn’t acting very christian

Answer #4

I have some advice GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE

Answer #5


Answer #6

what I would do is sit down and talk to your mum about your feelings tell her what shes turning into. Your own mother shoudn’t take her new husbands side against her own son thats not right.overprotective can be good at some points but not when you want to go see your friends at like 8 at night cause they wont let you. im kinda in the same postion but my parents are still together I’ve moved 4times in the last 2years. my parents never have enough money to take me out I dont have a social life. I know its not the same but if your mum is gettin TOO overprotectivce she wont let you out what so ever just talk to her tell her you hate the new husband tell her hes a nasty prick to you.. dont say prick tho lol. and see what happens from there I hope I helped

Answer #7

fuXk its like your saying my whole life!!! seriously ! its crazy :/ and my father is also in jail and I loved him more hes stuck in there till 2015 :/// its sorta like I have a fuxKed up life.

:)and my number one reason I started to skate! to get out of all this fuXked up shXt

Answer #8

fuXk its like your saying my whole life!!! seriously ! its crazy :/ and my father is also in jail and I loved him more hes stuck in there till 2015 :/// its sorta like I have a fuxKed up life.

:)and my number one reason I started to skate! to get out of all this fuXked up shXt at least for a few hours

Answer #9

I have a friend also with extremely overprotective parents and I can tell you, its only gonna turn out bad if you give into their sh*t, just stick it out but don’t listen and do everything they say, otherwise you just gonna go crazy…

Answer #10


if I did all of that though they would: take my comp away take my phone priveleges away take my cell take my ipod not let me go anywhere prob. go off and hit/ threaten /yell at me

Answer #11

I think seeking help from a school conselor can do much more good than rebelling. I hate the situation you are in. Pray how you want to that all will be resolved in your favor.:)

Answer #12

Just be glad that you will be 18 soon so that you can move out. If you get anything out of this, I think it will be that you are learning how to be a better parent than yours when you get older. I just hope that when I die and go to heaven that it doesn’t have people like your step dad getting on my nerves for eternity.

Answer #13

told that man…he is not your father and he doesnt know about you… my parens are strict in christianity but they make me feel proud to be religion…but in this situation you must!!!MUST!!!SEEK FOR HELP!!!…God had said that, HE IS THE WAY OF TRUTH…and a book I read…someone had been lift by God to see whats happen in Hell, she saw her mother whom was very good and kind, but the God answered, even you are kind, if you dont beleive in Me, you’l also go to Hell…so in your case, seek for hep, teachers,caunselors,friends,pastor…whom ever… but please PRAY, my advice is, ONLY GOD CAN SET YOU FREE…

Answer #14

That is absolutely RIDICULOUS. They should not be forcing you to do anything you do’nt want to do. This whole religious fanatic stuff - um…its your desicion if you want to be religious or not, they can’t force that upon you and espeically threaten you …do you have or know any other relatives you could live with?? Grandparents, an aunt or uncle? Cousins? Anyone!

Answer #15

DAMN! thats real tough I know how you feel though trust I just tend not to listen to them anymore! he is a dick! man I wish I can really talk to you and tell you how I feel or what you should do. but umm I guess just talk to your mom about it and tell him to get the computer for himself that jerk! im not happy were I live either and they use to take away my things when I didnt behave and they let everyone use my computer then my little br got on it and messed everything up by delteing everything my gramda wouldnt let me go out and said when we were bad we needed to go to church to take the demon out of us and blah blah blah… but I just don’t listen to them anymore I tend to say fawk anyone who just hurts me anyways they never take my side there always yelling at me umm funmail me!

Answer #16

people who are religous freaks turn out to be evil. Start listening to music that will really piss them off, claim to be the devil, and refuse to go to church. If they bring you to church by force, make disruptive noises until they drag you out before it ends. Do this every time. Tell both of them that you don’t believe in God (even if you do) and that what they are soing is a sin by keeping you in their house. Maybe you can talk to (I do not know exactly how the Christian religion works, so please bear with me) a priest or something, and they can communicate with your parents, or a guidance counselor at school. I’ll think of more…

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