What Should I Do?

My mom is in Iraq and now my uncle is my legal guardian. But he basically tries controlling my life. I got my liscenses one month ago and he hasn’t let me drive by myself yet because, of what I thought, was insurance.

we got insurance.

then he asked me for this piece of paper with the restrictions with a probationary liscenses then told me that I can’t drive now because I threw it away. I found a copy of it on their website and told him everything that was on there, and he doesn’t believe me!

He even said that he didn’t want it, he just thought I needed it and he kept contradicting himself. It finally got to the point that he said that I can just walk to school on Saturday because I have winter percussion that day. From 6:30 in the morning to 11:30 at night.

I told him that I’ll spend the night with my other uncle and he said no, I have to walk. I live 5 miles away from the school. I wouldn’t really mind walking if it wasn’t cold and dark outside.

I called my other uncle and told him what happened and he said that he’d come and get me, but also said that my ‘uncle guardian’ will be pissed.

I am so pissed at my ‘uncle guardian’ because he literally doesn’t let me do anything because ‘he can’t trust me’. Because he thinks I’ll join a gang, do drugs, and get pregnant. He doesn’t even know me.

He won’t even let me go to any of my friends’ houses. Sure, I have to sneak out to do that, but he doesn’t know that.

He doesn’t come to any of my competitions, all he does is yell, and he thinks that he can control my life.

Last night, I was so pissed that I cried and kept repeating that I wished he’d die. I even started thinking about how the world would be without me. Would anyone even care?

I can’t tell my mom how he is because she thinks he’s a good guy and that he’s doing the right thing and she’ll take his side over mine because he’s an adult and I’m just a teenager annoying the adult.

What are you supposed to do when no one else believes you but you’re friends?

I can’t even tell him how I feel or anything because he seriously makes things complicated and just yells. He yells at me when I drive with him, and I told him one time not to yell because it just makes me nervous, and he yelled me to ‘not tell him what the f*ck to do’.

he cusses all of the time.

what am I supposed to do? just shut up and not talk to him? bear it with a grin? do everything that is completely fake?


I just hate him.

Answer #1

Appears he’s just trying to look after your best interests - must be a reason your mother respects him and you don’t - ‘sneaking out’ is not the way to prove you can be responsible.

Answer #2

he is trying to do a good job while your mother fights for our country. he is being a tad to strict. sit him down and talk to him. like an adult not a screaming kid.

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