
My parents are devorced and my dad told me if I want to live with him I can chose and my mom has a 15 month old baby that I help take care of and I don’t want to leave her. What should I do?

Answer #1

Who is more fun??? Go with them.

Answer #2

you need to do whats best for you and dont worry your mom will handle taking care of her baby just fine its what moms do. so you need to choose the better environment for you

Answer #3

If you want to stay with your mom, then do so.

Your dad told you that you can choose.

Answer #4

if my parents would brake up I wouldn’ choose mum either dad ..

I love them equally so I would probably go to my aunt … until I can get a job and move on my own.

who do you feel more devoted for ?

Answer #5

well it seems like you don’t want to leave your mom, so don’t. you can see your dad or spend the night probably any time you want, unless he lives far away. and if he does live far you can just use the excuse that you don’t want to switch schools

Answer #6

Your Mom and brother or sister need you more than anyone right now ,so I think it would be best if you stayed with your Mom. I’m sure your Dad asked for you to choose so you wouldn’t think he does’t want you to be with him, I bet that he knows it would be best for you to stay with your Mom, and in your heart you know thats true. GOOD LUCK

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