My parents hate me and I feel like an outcast

Im a 14 year old girl and im growing up, I have started my periods so im constantly mood changing. But on top of it all my mum just doesnt understand the changes. I try to tell her that when im angry she should leave me because im on my period and I dont want to make it worse but she says “dont blame your period you brought it on yourself” Then she will shout and swear at me and then I end up crying and banging about beause I need to get rid of the anger. And the more I do she shouts even more. I end up losing control because I cant cope anymore. Then she tells me that im spoilt and I should act my age. I try to tell her to leave me alone and she tells me im not old enough to tell her what to do. I ust want a bit of freedom and to do what I want for a change. Shes taking over my life and soon its going to get out of hand and I will do something regretful. Theres no point in telling me to tallk to her about it because she wont listen. Plus I have a 9 year old sister who sucks up to my mum. She get what she wants and she wont get shouted at. She is also one of the reasons why I am so angry all the time. Please help me!

Answer #1

whenever you are moody don’t say anything to anyone-practice controlling yourself.listen to music(diferent music for different moods).cry if you want to or take a walk alone or (this might sound stupid)take a shower-it helps.and there is no use in blaming your period for your moods.

Answer #2

well for one, you can’t blame your period. if you notice you’re angry and do blame it on your period, you’re allowing it to happen which is a really hard to believe excuse. when you notice you’re angry, try to stay calm with yourself and others. if you have to cry, cry! but you should do it by yourself in your room not AT others. as for your sister, just ignore her. horrible to say, but if she gets what she wants than your mother probably cares for you more.. just don’t suck up and beg for things or whatever, live with what you got and be happy.. you don’t need everything or even just stuff to make you happy. your problems will get a lot better and I promise your relationship with your mother will get a lot better if you just realize exactly what’s going on at that moment. it’s hard to be a parent of someone who’s always angry especially when they blame it on their period… that’s like asking your parents to let you get away with stealing or something.. that’s when they don’t care.

Answer #3

spend more time with mates and have a good time more often. if you’re having trouble with your family, you have nothing else to do but to stay away from them for a certain amount of time until everything seems to settle down.

Answer #4

Be honest and look in the mirror at yourself - are you spoiled, blessed, selfish…parents aren’t perfect but they do their best to try and look after your best interests, love you (sometimes you don’t let them), and CARE - many, many, don’t - be Thankful !!

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