Questions & Answers

  1. a question about a phrase
  2. if iam pregnant?
  3. Best Fat burn/Cardio?
  4. I want to learn how to use HTML mode
  5. Does anyone know anything about the army??
  6. What papers do you need to cross from Canada to US?
  7. what other activity could I do o to work out my butt?
  8. how will dstinguish an imagination 2 the real 1?
  9. Woman squirting
  10. He's cheating on me with my goddaughter
  11. I want blonde hair
  12. wokin out on my bikee
  13. my boyfriend and his ego?
  14. Does masterbation cause some form of weightloss
  15. boys make me cry
  16. I hate all guys
  17. I dont know what I want and what im feeling :S
  18. how long till I know im pregnant
  19. I need suggestions
  20. i have short hair and sometimes i were fake hair, scared to tell m
  21. masterbation with soap now my penis burns, am I going to be OK?
  22. Bleeched my hair way too many times on same night to get it blonde
  23. How do I tell my aunt and uncle that I'm moving out?
  24. HElp me stop being a jealous wreck!
  25. breastfeeding
  26. is it good to keep on convicing you boyfriend that he is cheating
  27. If im 10 days late m i pregnant?
  28. how do you french kiss?
  29. Does weed (marijuana) make you twitch and what are the harmful effects?
  30. Why does her virgina change in size?
  31. Can anyone tell me how to gain weight without getting fat?
  32. What if I'm drinking too much and can't stop?
  33. how can i flush toxins out of bood?
  34. Why dose the sky appears blue while it is transparent?
  35. pictures oh guys with casts?
  36. pictures of casts
  37. What can you say about a muslim egyptian man?
  38. i dont finish when we have sex
  39. Emo VS. Scenster
  40. I want a Girl Friend
  41. Can't get wet
  42. Nutrition and libido
  43. How can I tell if I sharded?
  44. What is thursh, i've heard about it, but what exactly is it?
  45. how do RC petrol cars work
  46. Help! we still have the spark, but he has a girlfriend.
  47. trouble with logging in to funadvice
  48. me n my boyfriend
  49. im in trouble and I don't know what 2 do
  50. could i be pregnant
  51. what does this mean and is this normal?
  52. Getting rid of weeds
  53. What's the best way to gain weight?
  54. What's a good computer for playing Second Life?
  55. Radio Controlled Petrol Cars
  56. What's a good recipe for losing weight?
  57. How can I reseed my lawn?
  58. How do I potty train my 2 year old baby?
  59. How Should I Intiate A Conversation/ We Have Never Spoke
  60. How Do You No Its Worth The Effort?
  61. I Can't Stop Thinking About Him/ Does He Like Me?
  62. Can You Give Me Some Tips On Reducing Caffeine Intake?
  63. Hi your Great! Help Again...please.
  64. I like this guy, he turned me down, what shoudl I do?
  65. Robot Lawnmower
  66. Chronic Fatigue
  67. Does Hypnotherapy Work?
  68. How can I get her parents to accept me?
  69. It's Really Over...why Is He Doing This???
  70. Blowjob? Color Of The Penis?
  71. If i work out can i get a great butt, and how long with this take?
  72. Does walking help to burn fat in the lovehandle area?
  73. Can A Minor Move Out At 17?
  74. Rabie Shots
  75. Moving Out At 16
  76. Faminly Hates Him... Romeo And Juliet Relived.
  77. Ex-girlfriend
  78. My Ovary? Scarred? Ahhh
  79. Brownies, Do You Need Vegetable Oil?
  80. Aching Legs
  81. Torn In Love
  82. Am I Fat/chubby
  83. Mysterious White Specks
  84. How do I get over loving my best friend?
  85. Why was the title of my question changed?
  86. Virginity
  87. My Ex-wife Wants Me Back, What Should I Do?
  88. red pimples that hurt, possible rash?
  89. issues with boyfriend
  90. Waxing Problems
  91. Marriage Proposal
  92. I Need Help! Loosing Weight/eating Disorter!
  93. Is Love Really Blind??
  94. Gecko Loses Tail.
  95. My Weight, But This Is What People Are Saying...
  96. I'm Sick, Please Help.
  97. I Cut Myself
  98. Planned Parenthood?
  99. Confuced And With A Broken Heart
  100. I Am Bulimic please Help Soon