my boyfriend and his ego?

Well, my boyfriend is seeing a psycologist, he has a lot of things going on wih school family ETC that he needs to work out. He has a really big ego, so he almos never tells me about things that are upsetting him hat dont concern me. It used to upsetme, but I got used to it over time. Now, a couple times he has mentioned to me that he feels left out in certain family events. I felt bad for him, but at the time I didntknow how to respond, so I said its okay.IF he mentions I again, how should I respond?

Answer #1

What I do if someone talks about a hurtful situation for them is I try to show them I’m interested and ready to listen by gently drawing out with questions. Like, do you think they know how you feel? Have you tried saying anything to them about it? Easy questions without a lot of detail but that still relate and will get him to open up. Lots of people are uncomfortable sharing personal things if they feel like it will be bothersome for the other person to listen to, or they’ll sound like a complainer- I know I’m that way. For that reason, ask questions or add your own time when maybe you felt the same, or how you think he can help the situation, and let him know youre always there to listen.

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