I Cut Myself

I’m 17. I have the best boyfriend in the world! I go to school and have a lot of friends. I live with my grandma. My mom has a completely different life with out me. When I’m not around. I cry at night so much I get a headache. Last night and many nights before I cut myself. On my arm. Any one have any advice on better ways to deal with the pain?

Answer #1


Answer #2

I have been there. you need to get some kind of help Cutting yourself isnt the only way to deal with things. soo this kid thinks your faking it.. so be it. it doesnt really matter.. if you ‘need attention’ get it someother way. not by doing this.. your only going to get negative feedback. and just sympathy attention. and thats not soething you want.

Answer #3

rubberband. yah fucking right. quit trying to be your moms angel and move on. quit crying. accept she doesnt want you and get over it. lean on your boyfriend for support when you want to cut yourself like you would crutches when you have a broken foot. good luck baby girl!

Answer #4

hey! thanks for the rubberband advice! i tried it. it works ok. and now if my mom wont freak if she finds out.

i decided to talk to my uncle. we get along really well and we’ve gone through a lot of the same things. he trusts me and i’d trust him with my life anyday. thanks again!

Answer #5

Self mutiliation is a very bad idea, it’s a sign of serious depression. Please do yourself a favor & have a discussion with somebody about this so that you don’t hurt yourself again.

Answer #6

My friends, a lot of my friends, cut themselves, and I can assure u it’s not the way to relieve stress of any kind. My one friend cut himself w/ glass, and a peice got stuck, and it got infected, and he had to get surgery done because his skin formed around the glass. The only reason people cut themselves is the same reason people drink, or get high, to distract themselves from the real problem instead of fixing it, talk to a counselor, or therapist. And look for sumthing that migh be lacking in ur life, and fix it, cuz thts probly the reason ur cutting.

Answer #7

Wow! angeliclostcause, that was kind of mean. But in a way I agree with her. I’m not saying accept you’re parents don’t want you. I’m saying when times get hard try to count on your boyfriend. If he’s as perfect as you say he is you can trust him and instead of cutting yourself at 1am in the morning you can call him on his cell and talk to him about whats going through your head.

Answer #8

It isn’t a matter of how good your life is as there are other factors. I think it would be good for you to see a doctor, you may have some form of chemical depression (basically a chemical imbalance in your brain that allows less endorphins to affect you). I did this and my doctor prescribed me to antidepressants which has helped a bit. When you start getting negative poisonous feelings try forcing yourself to think of other things, listen to happy music or go and do something like take a walk or have a normal conversation with someone. It may just be a distraction, but it is better than allowing yourself to spiral down into these destructive moods. It also helps to tell someone you are close to as it is just very relieving, and also it is suprising how many people get feelings like this. There are probably factors that cause this that you can not help, but try thinking of ways to improve your attitudes towards yourself and happiness.

Answer #9

if your life is so perfect and your boyfriend so wonderful then why do you cut? I think your faking. Just want attention. Grow Up. Evryone has problems and your not the worst off In the world. Just Grow up. thats all i have to say. If you think that that was mean you can email me about it but.

Answer #10

i cut myself aswell, but i don’t intend to stop, the reason i’m telling you this is because a great friend of mine once managed to stop me, i didn’t help me permanantly but i thought i it might help you, first things first she told me to stay away from knives, this didn’t help as i found other ways so she told me to identify what i was doing, she said to think about what would happen if you cut to deep, then she asked me what i’d tell her if she started to cut, i said i’d tell her to stop, this might not help you because i was only twelve at the time and i looked up to her more than anything (she was 36) but i’m 14 now and still remember everything she said to me, i understand the reasons people cut and the reasons we keep it hidden, i hope you find the help you need, and the courage to put it into action,

Answer #11

i used to cut myself also, cutting is a very bad idea, and from my experience it only made me more depressed. i didnt talk about it at all, until one of my friends noticed the scars on my arm and forced me to stop. she stayed with me for 2 straight weeks, 24/7. this helped me a lot. so, i guess my advise would be to find someone you can trust to help you. maybe your boyfriend, or one of your closest friends. ask them to help you through this. i know it sounds corny, but a lot of the times a good talk can help a lot!

hope this helps!

Answer #12

ill b honest wit u i cut myself 2 i tried hiding it 4 a while wit long sleeves n sweaters but then one day my mother see it put me in counsling and that didnt help so i stoped goin then i met a guy that when i was wit him i didnt think about cuttin it jus didnt cross my mind then when we split i had those feeling again and acted on them my friends would get mad at me n yell but wateva they said didnt matter i still thin of doing it sometimes i do im worried that like one day i might cut 2 far or somethin but i think no matter wat ill always cut

Answer #13

Girl, all these people don’t understand at all. Cutters cut to stay alive. I’ve cut for nearly 4 years now, have been baker-acted 9 times and I have scars all over my body. Rubberbands; TRIED IT. it worked for a while but then I got too used to it. but it may work for you. Try dipping your arms in ice. Not one alternative to self-mutalation works for every single person. Talk to someone you trust about it and don’t let a bunch of people find out. it gets wa to overwhelming. good luck;)

Answer #14

When you feel like cutting yourself you can play with a pet, run as fast as you can, or hold an ice cube really tight in your hand until it melts. Thats what i do.

Answer #15

okay i dont know what you can do to stop thinkin about you’r pain but cotin you’r self is not the way out if keep doing it you can die!! i try to tell to stop doin that!!(alot of my friend’s do that to) but i dont think i get thow to ‘em but i hope you listen to me!! pplleezz stop doin that!! i would hate for you to die, i dont wont to see that happen!!

Answer #16

I cut myself. I have an amazing boyfriend too and a “perfect” family nobody understands. I cry every single night i feel dizzy and come close to puking. Noone to talk to, im pretty much screwed. I tried the rubberband, hurt like a bitch and just made me wanna cut more, ha. Funmail me if ya want…xox

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