It's Really Over...why Is He Doing This???

well I finally had a talk with my ex…he basically told me that all he wanted from me right now was sex so I told him no and we stopped tallking…well I seen him at school and he looked at me and didn’t say too much then he played around and hit me in my leg…and laugh…when we talked that night he told me that he doesn’t want to get back together which was cool…and we argured and he told me he wasn’t going to say anything to me…well he called me the next night…but we barely said anything to each other…he’s making it very hard for me to get over him…because everytime I think its really finished and I can get over him he talks to me or do something to convice me other wise… I really need help on wut to do I know now that things can’t go back to normal so wut do I need to say or do…please help very urgent…thanks in advance.

Answer #1

Seems to me you are confused because of his actions. Maybe you should consider your own feelings. It doesn’t have to be his choice whether it is over or not. It has nothing to do with him changing his mind. It’s you that is letting him. Take a stand and do what you KNOW is right.

Answer #2

Well if a guy tells you all he wants is sex, I think you should know what to do! he’s a guy and many guys tend to follow their d*cks and dont care about feelings. Seriously GET RID OF HIM. Dont even contact him or talk to him!

Answer #3

When he calls tell him it’s over and u guys cant even be frnds!!! don’t talk to him ever again!!! If he calls again don’t answer!! Avoid him as much as you can at school!!! If he wants to play then he better go buy a barbie!!! Maybe she’ll have sex with him!!!

Answer #4

He’s manipulating your feelings and sounds to me like he’s really desperate to still keep a relationship with you for sex. That’s not right and you have to stand your ground. Tell him flatly that you want him to stop calling or trying to convince you of anything, your mind is made up and it’s over because you won’t have a relationship just for sex. It’s not fair to you what he’s doing, but if he doesn’t stop just don’t answer the phone when he calls (or hang up) and avoid talking to him at all. Maybe eventually, if you flatly say no and don’t let him have the chance to dissuade you, he’ll get the point and you’ll have the chance to move on. Good luck.

Answer #5

Why is he doing this you ask, well seems he has already answered the question: He wants sex and nothing more. So of course he’s gotta give you a little taste so you’ll want him. He wants to give you just enough that you’ll like him enough to say “ok we can have sex” but not enough to say “I want to be with you.” My advice, either give him what he wants (sex only) or just cut all ties with him. I mean usually people continue to just be friends but seeing that you’re still stuck on the guy, you can’t afford to gamble with friendship and should just go your separate way.

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