I hate all guys

well im really hurting right now i meet this guy say a few months ago he ask for my number and i turn him down, i turn him down because a few months before than i got realy hurt so i was tryin to heal, but he stayed on it telling me he wasn’t goin to hurt me and he was bot the same and so being the stupid female that im i gave in week were dating no longer than i wek before i found out that he was cheating on me!! this shit realy fuckin hurts now i have this viwe on life that all guys are cheaters i can’t trust a word they say and i hate living like this i just want to be free, i want to key his car and get some of my friends to beat his stupid azz but im also want to be the better preson and just move on but it’s hard!!! raelly fuckin hard i want to cry but i don’t just hold it in and keep going along with life!well what should i do, i feel is my fault because i shouldn’t gave in what should i do to stop the hurt?

Answer #1

Technically, both men and women cheat, I have been cheated on many times I love women, but, choose never to Date again I believe, it distracts and leaves me with physical illness,

Answer #2

I am right now truly in the same spot as you. I am like so frusterated with men! It angers me so badly because i get promised all these promises and then i get lied to. Sadly its really outragoues lies. I want to have fun and i think you want that to. No more lies no more cheating. You dated a guy for a week and got cheated on, just think about this better sooner then later that you found this out. I told my self i have sworn off all men! That i hate all guys. Its so hard to move on and view all these guys to just be one thing. I bealive there not all like this but a good mojorty of them are cheating back stabbing liers! I really dont think there is anything you can do to make the hurting stop, it should go away in time. Right now both of us are just stuck, stuck with this observence and hurt from men. I am telling myself that if God wants me to be with someone he will tell me but other then that i will stay single and unattached untill that happens.

Answer #3

not all guys are going to be like that most will so sorry bout that i have been thourgh that so meany time i have know idea but dont give up on love it will all be ok soon

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