Can A Minor Move Out At 17?

Hi well this question arose when another question was asked about moving out at 16. I myself have been wanting to move out and I am about to turn 17 next month. Now my question is, as a minor, can I even purchase an apartment? And if so, then how do I go about carrying on to do so. And if I do get a place of my own, would my boyfriend get arrested for living with me? He’s seven years older than I.

Answer #1

well with parent’s permission you can if you feel like your being harmed you can and if you sign some paper and you have income then yea

Answer #2

yes in england here you can move out when your 16 and get married with parents permission and have sex but I dont know about in america if thats where you are.

Answer #3

You can not legally move out at 16, you will be forced back home, but once you turn 17 there is nothing a parent can do to force you back home, and the person you are staying with will not be charged with anything for you living with him.

Answer #4

yeah in michigan you can move out I am counting the days till I move out,. =p


Answer #5

yes a 17 year old CAN move out. please no body judge anyone in my family when I say this but my sister moved out into a very nice apartment I mite add and is doing fine.she is 17 aalso and lived with her boyfriend who was 19 (she still bought the apartment though not her boyfriend because he is moved out now). they rented the apatment to her, but the thing is you REALLY have to work hard for it. she works three jobs and barely has time to even be at that apartment so really, I dont see the point of her having one but anyways the answer to your question is yes you can move out and about the boyfriend thing, I dont think its such a good idea I mean he could take advantage of you. I also dont think its a good idea to move out yet, I mean your still a teen why waste it and take on the responsibility of paying rent,bills etc when you dont have too? hope this helped

Answer #6

um hi. I am 16.. and I’ve been dating this guy for almost two years. We both use to live in Cape Girardeau Missouri.. but I just recently moved to St.Louis with my mom. I miss him, and he misses me. He is 17. We have been talking about this for a while and both think that it;s a good idea. My mom and step dad are both for it. The only rule is that he has to pay $250.00 a month (we already have a job set up for him) So the only problem is his mom. His mom isnt very nice to him.. and she cant stand my mom and would never allow him to move in with me or anyone.. Im pretty sure that she cant do anything about it. But does anyone know? or have any advice? I need to know quick.. because if we go pick him up.. its gonna be next week.. and I know his mom will cause hell.. we arent going to tell her.. we’re just gonna go get him. Thanks!

Answer #7

I am 16 years old ima be 17 in december 2009 I really cant be here I hate my parents but I love my two special ed brother and sister but im always getting in trouble with what they do and my parents are always scraming at me and cuzin me out they always make me cry but I cant call social workers or anything loke that because they’ll take away my little brother and my sister that are special ed but I just cant soport being here I’ve been running away fron home since I was 13 years old… I really want to leave my house I want to have a home with my boyfriend and we are deaply in love he is 18 years old. we want to go live together. my question is if I can move out of my house at 17?

Answer #8

I moved out at 17 and had to rent a house, pay bill’s, there is always a way. In my case my mom was passed and my dad -who knows- so that’s what i would tell them. I mean you have to have some where to live, you have to have power, what are they going to do, punish you because your 17 and your on your own. NO!!! they will work around it some how. I even had my car in my name at 17, it was in a survivor will so it was legal. As for your boyfriend, it depends on what the legal age is in your state, and if 17 is not legal, will your parent’s press charges. Good luck!!!

Answer #9

Okay I’m 16 turning 17 in september. And I was wondering if it would be okay to move out then, because my mom punishes me for every little thing I do. I have a boyfriend we have been dating for a year and 1 month. now my mom smokes weed and she yells and cusses at me whenever she gets mad. I hate that!!! and I live with my grandparents but I have to go by my moms approval well she barely lets me see my boyfriend and I only get to do things when it doesn’t involve my boyfriend. So how do you think I feel, I NEED TO KNOW DO YOU THINK ITS OKAY TO MOVE OUT AT 17 CAUSE I HATE IT AT HOME ITS MISSERY!!! and what do you think she will do if I do leave? please email me if you have the answer at

Answer #10

In California, what is the earliest a minor can move out? For I will be 17 in three days and I wish, more than anything to move in with my boyfriend. But also, I’m working extra hard to graduate early and get my high school diploma so I’ll actually be 17 and 4 months when I actually move out. Also, I’ve already been accepted to the Art Institute of Sacramento, so I’ve got things going for me. My boyfriend and I are ready to begin our lives together, is that so terrible? But anyhow, the actual question is how soon can I move out? What is the age of consent for California?

Answer #11

Woahh, same situation.. Check out my 2 questions, advice wld be greatt. Very similar,

Answer #12

wwell i wanna kno y ur dating a guy 7 yrs older then u? am i tha only one that finds that a lil disturbing?

Answer #13

As a parent, I want to put a bug in your ear you all, now that the economy is very very bad, and the jobs are very few and far between, your only going to make it harder on yourselves. You all think you can just do everything, but have you graduated from high school yet? If you live on your own, your going to have a full time job (that’s 40 hours a week, normally) TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING, a landlord who will rent to a 17 year old (good luck with that one-in most states, you have to be at least 18 years of age to sign a legal binding contract you have to have the money upfront plus usually a huge deposit-more money to keep your apartment), furniture to sit on, sleep on, eat on (that could cost several 1,000 dollars to purchase and if you don’t have good credit or a credit card and again you have to be 18, to have one-then it will be hard to come with that amount of money, if you want anything decent), food (if you want to live), utilities (those range from ($100+ and those usually have to be started with at least a $100.00 deposit-extra money), lets see toilitries and personal items, pots and pans, dishes, silverware, plasticware, appliances, laundry soap, washer and dryer or money for a laundromat, lets see and don’t forget a vehicle (you can’t get a car, without a co-signer if you are under 18 and in some states 21, AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT CAR INSURANCE, HEALTH INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE. THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG. YOU REALLY THINK THIS OVER, AND SEE IF IT IS A GOOD IDEA. IF YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE, THAN YOU’LL GET YOUR ANSWER, IF NOT YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO FIND OUT ON YOUR OWN. I AM 44 YEARS OLD, LOOKING FOR A JOB, AND A MOTHER OF THREE, WHOSE ALREADY HAVING PROBLEMS, A 17 YEAR OLD WITH NO EXPERIENCE IN LIFE, NEEDS TO WAIT, BE PATIENT, STAY WITH HER PARENTS UNTIL SHE/HE GRADUATES FROM HIGH SCHOOL AT LEAST. GO TO COLLEGE, GET A GOOD STABLE RECESSION PROOF JOB AFTERWARDS AND BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL AND RESPONSIBLE!!!

Answer #14

I don’t think that a landlord will rent to you if you are only 17 since you cannot enter into a leagally binding contract till you are 18. My advice would be to be patient and wait till you are 18. Even then make sure you are financially able to support yourself before moving out. Being on your own and supporting yourself financially can be stressful if you aren’t already doing so.

Answer #15

hi im 16 and im 17 in feb im from ireland and I want to move to northern ireland when im finished school and il b 17 then im just wonderin can my mam stop me if im 17 and I have a place to go please wb

Answer #16

well as you have heard in georgia you can but anywayz im not sure about the whole age things in other states but I do know that a guy that much older can not be living in an apartment with a minor I think he can even be arrested in some states but anyway yea not a good idea I know you want to get out of the house but try to wai till your 18 then your free!!!

Answer #17

I actually have been waiting for that exact answer, also. On my 17th birthday, I’ve been planning to move out, and in with my boyfriend andy. he’d be 20 by then. I hope you got an answer from somebody, if you could give me an answer when you get it! Thanks much!

Answer #18

you can move out whenever you want haha but the thing is you need to have someone over 18 sign your aparment or something like that

Answer #19


Answer #20

its not that easy leaving home…have ypu thought about bills., council tax, rent aso?? how would you support urself?? you wont be a child nomore, you will become a housewife, having to do everything!

Answer #21

yes You can move out ,but you have to get immanicipated first which means becoming an adult legally. like when I teenager gets pregnant they get immancipated which lets them quit school,move out etc.

Answer #22

I am just about to be 18 and I am already moved out but my gf wants to move out with me and to get away from her controling mom and she is 17 and right now she is wearing my wedding ring and is there any way that she can move out with me now

Answer #23

So… At 17, in GA, I do NOT need parental consent to move out?

Answer #24

hey gurl.. well i had the same problem as u.. when i was seven teen i had a boyfriend that was 23 we r still together but the thing is that im 18 now.. :) well this is what i did… i waited untill i turned 18 to move out with my boyfriend.. at the beggining i didnt do it because he could of gone to jail because hes older than 21 so he could go to jail and ur parents have the right to press charges and win the case easy and simple.. They will lock him up i think is for 5 years.. i already looked up all the info because i was worried just like u.. i will tell u if u take any pictures make sure ur parents dont see them any proof that they could use against u hide it because for sure then he will get in big trouble.. well in the appartment thing i will sudjest to get a job and try to see if they do let u rent in but i dont think so i think the legal age to have ur own place here is 18.. or u can work and tell ur bf to put it under his name and u just give him the money.. both of u guys should be paying for that appartment.. but n-e ways if u need any more advise hit me up.. hope everything goes good. take care.. paola

Answer #25

Hey I am in the same situation. I have been doing a lot of research, 1) because my dad went to prison when I was 8 which changed everything my youngest brother was 17 and my youngest sister was 14 or 15 something like that and both them moved out. 2) now 8 1/2 years later my mom barely takes care of me. I pay half of our rent which is 250 I pay half of all utilities, I pay mine as well as her cell phone bill and I pay for gas. I will be 17 in 5 months and 9 days. I’m counting the days down because living with my mom is like living in prison but yet in society. I have to act as an adult but yet can’t have a life because she is scared of losing me. She tries to control me so much that she actually pushes me away.So, I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot. My boyfriend is quite a few years older than me and we would love to get married but are figuring a way to go about that at the moment. The legal age of consent in Idaho is 14 but as far as moving out goes is it 16 or 17. Reason I’m asking is because my mom doesnt pay for my doctor bills, or chiropractor bills( I injured my knee and have paid for everything myself) cell phone bills, rent, food i mean i pay for everything myself, so if I have to pay rent and I’m 16 and half years old shouldn’t I be aloud to chose where I live if I’m able to support myself! I have a great job and it brings in good money. …SO, what do I do?

Answer #26

im haveing trouble my parents moved me to missouri from oregon and I want to go back for my friends and girl friend the life still thay have put me in is not vary good thay agreed to let me go back intell my uncle gets a house then move with him well thay just informed me that I will only be going back there for 2 weeks then coming back then when he gets a house then I can go back for good but I know if I come back to her then I know she will make me stay is there any way I can stay in oregon with out getting introuble and to add she said when I stay there for 2 weeks she is righting a slip saying I can stay there if that helps please right and let me know what I can do

Answer #27

hey i live in la. i tryed runaway at 15 in which did not work. %@ im going on 16. with a great bf whos 17 ,but our birth days are a day apart in march .mine on the 30 and his on the 31 making him 18 (2 years older then me). hes like a dream come true. im real want to move out my moms home . going to get my GED and going for a trand in dental assistant and him in welding. want to get married , but with good money in the bank in 2010. me and my mom dont get along however she means the world to me ,but living in the same house untell 18 will not work . i want to no if i can move out at the age of 16 with good things planed in life to come and doing the best i can to make a living on my on with bf as well as a job. with both of us working and going to school with a GED

Answer #28

erm..your boyfriend is 7 years older? uhhh… anyway, my bro moved out at 18 here in British Columbia but it’s different everywhere. also depends on your type of landlord, are they the busy type? then probably no, they have a bussiness to run, and serious, older people to rent appartments to. Are they a little old lady? maybe yes because she may need help on her incom, and who can pass up free baked goods? :P

Answer #29

first, you have no business moving in with some guy who is 7 years older than you, you are what is called JAIL BAIT. Yes he can go to jail, for a very long time. You need to wise up, get your education first before a relationship. If he really loves you, he will wait until you finish college or voc school first, and let you live on your own to find out what real life is about, and trust me honey, you still have a lot of life to live, and it is not dependent upon a boyfriend. You are so young to be concerned about a boyfriend, and it seems to me that your priorities are in the wrong place. If you want a quick lesson in growing up and becoming emancipated, join the military, get a career, your parents can sign for you, but you need at least a high school diploma…well most jobs nowadays require a high school diploma. Set your sights on higher goals, live life first, do not worry about a boyfriend, be concerned about who you are as a person, and how you can be productive in this society.

Answer #30

Ok well I am 17 and turning 18 in January. I have a car, looking for a job, and a place to stay that will probably be a lot better then at my parents house. It is with a friend that is 19. I want to leave very bad but if I do I dont want my friend to get into trouble for letting me stay their, an I dont want the police able to force me to go back home. Can anyone help me??

Answer #31

yes you can do all this if you get emansipated..I think tthats how you pell it but…yes you have to get imansipated

Answer #32

My source came from a JUVENILE OFFICER IN GEORGIA!! Age of consent in GA is 17…but if you ARE IN SCHOOL (which is where you should be) and you decide to leave at 17, if your parents call the cops to bring you back THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO!!! trust me, I tried!!!

Answer #33

yes you can move out now only if your parents sign for you…no your boyfriend wont get arrested the only way he would get arrested is if you guys have a sexual relationship and the cops know…but your parents have to sign for you to move out.

Answer #34

well I live in NC and the law states you can move out get your own place at 16 and its ok if your boyfriend lives with you here. my best friend is 16 and her and her boy friend live together in a lil apartment

Answer #35

When you are 17 in the state of Texas are you allowed to move on your own?? I have a job and money saved up. I cant be with my mom no more because she mentally cant take care of me. And my step father has a brother who touched me and I dont want to be in his cusody. is it okay for me to get an apartment with my girlfriend when i turn 17 in 2 months. And she also has a job and a car to take me back and forth to school. and back and forth to work.

Answer #36

wait one more year than its legal

Answer #37

I don’t know really know. I mean I am in the same situation with a controlling dad who hates my boyfriend who is 18. I just turned 16 and I want to move out so bad. my boyfriend is ready to go in the military and when he comes back I want to move in with him.

-does anyone have a site that tells you “facts” about the ages to move out?

Answer #38

The age of consent in Georgia is 17. Which means you can leave your home and not be charged as a runaway by your parents when you turn 17. I would be worried about getting your own house so young though.

Answer #39

Every state has different laws concerning this. You need to contact the family court in your state to see what is legal and what isnt and not depend on what a bunch of people on the internet tell you is legal.

And yeah, I think a boyfriend that is 7 years older than you needs a closer look. But that is my opinion.

Answer #40

yes u can/all u need is proof from your parents like jude saying you can/and same goes for boyfriend.

Answer #41

hey i live in la. i tryed runaway at 15 in which did not work. %@ im going on 16. with a great bf whos 17 ,but our birth days are a day apart in march .mine on the 30 and his on the 31 making him 18 (2 years older then me). hes like a dream come true. im real want to move out my moms home . going to get my GED and going for a trand in dental assistant and him in welding. want to get married , but with good money in the bank in 2010. me and my mom dont get along however she means the world to me ,but living in the same house untell 18 will not work . i want to no if i can move out at the age of 16 with good things planed in life to come and doing the best i can to make a living on my on with bf as well as a job. with both of us working and going to school with a GED

Answer #42

Well it sounds like your anxious to move out. But don’t get to carried away. The best thing to do here is wait until the right age. Cause once you move out, your all on your own. Your boyfriend sounds like he could be a lot of help to you if you do get your own place..But what if something happens which I hope nothing does. But if it did, then who would you have to depend on?? Like nobody..but your parents. But when you move out parents don’t want to have to deal with your problems, they expect you to be an adult & take care of yourself. So my advice to you is to wait until your 18. It sounds a little long, but believe me it goes very quick, so be a kid as long as you can && stay right where you are!! Worry about bills & what not when you get to it. Don’t take on to much that you can’t handle. Hope this advice helped you lots. xoMaryxo

Answer #43

I am 17 and my mum and dad are so controling they make me be in at 11 oclock ring college to see if im there im nt allowed out during the week days all beacuse my boyfriend has’nt got a job, hes trying there just no jobs available, my dad said if he has’nt got a job by the 1st of jan he gonna stop me seeing him can he do this ?? and also is there anyway I could move him with him and his mum if im only 17 and my dad sed if he did he would batter him okease write back asap

Answer #44

You can enter the military with parental consent, and others have had themselves declared parentally emancipated. For the rest of us, it’s not likely, but not necessarily due to parental resistance, but by law, they are still responsible for you. In many states, for instance, they can be arrested due to your truancy, if you’re still of school age. I can almost guarantee that if, by law, you’re not old enough to drink, not old enough to vote, limited in how many hours you can work (by law, if of school age), barely old enough to drive, and by law, cannot be held responsible for any debts you develop, you can bet that no landlord will give you a lease, no credit card company will give you a card, no dealership will sell you a vehicle, etc., etc., etc. As for your boyfriend, in a word- no, make that two words- Ohhhh yeahhhh. And in most states. So unless he wants to regularly register as a sex offender (when he completes his jail time), and plans on spending a lot of time explaining how it wasn’t really a “child” involved. I’d wait. Wait. Where’s the fire, anyway? If you’re in an unsafe enviorment, seek help from anybody you feel you might be able to trust…seek them out and get their help to remove you from the situation. If you’re just in a hurry…..take a deep breath and relax. Adulthood is over rated, and freedom still isn’t free. Don’t believe the hype.

Answer #45

Dont do it. Im not even joking. You have food and a bed at your house. you may not have that in the real world. Wait until your 18, go to college or get a job, and live your life normally. Just wait a year, for me, for your parents.

here’s something I found:

No parents hanging over your shoulder, no curfews, no chores, no nagging - it’s a teenagers idea of paradise. This cherished state promises to exist as soon as you move out of your parent’s house. But just as they say the grass is greener on the other side, so too is the appeal of living on your own. Before moving out, take some time to think a few things over.


As much as you might like to stay home all day, the reality is that you’re going to need a steady job to pay rent, utilities, and other bills. You’ll need to make at least one-and-a-half times what your monthly bills will total to. This will compensate for taxes and other living expenses such as groceries. If you already have a job, but it isn’t making enough money to pay these bills, you will need to either look for more hours, or a better position elsewhere.


Having all that money from your job won’t do you any good if you don’t spend it properly. You’ll need to know how to stay on top of all your bills, how to save ahead, and how to shop smartly so that every penny is well spent. If you don’t know how to budget, you’ll soon be right back at your parent’s house, catching up on unpaid bills.


When you’re out of your parent’s house, your chores are only going to increase. Essential skills include doing laundry, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning, cooking, organizing, and repairing some items. You’ll also want to know how to budget time so that you can fit household maintenance into your schedule.

ITS GOING TO BE HORRIBLE you know you love my advice<3333, spoons

Answer #46

You can move out at 17 legally in the UK. 16 is illegal but it has been done in the past. It all really depends on my parents or who you are living with at the moment. If your boyfriend is 24 then that’s fine because he will be able to get a place for you two to live or whatever, if you have an income then you could probably get a place.

The other way to go is to speak to your local housing people for the council where you live, they could be able to help you out. If you have a job you’ll have to pay the weekly/monthly bill. If you don’t then you’ll be put on the bottom of the list for people looking for places to go.

It will also be advised that you get a note/letter from whoever you are living with stating that they will not take you back, as the housing officers will ask for proof that you cannot return there to live.

The reason I know this is becuase I did look into it and a close friend of mine is currently in a bedsit waiting for his place, he is in his thirtys and is divorced with two children… god bless him.

Answer #47

I moved out when I was 18. I moved 7 hrs away but I had a job and took with me a bunch of money of a few years of hard work to make sure I would be ok. I started working at 15 at a truck driver stop - 3am to 1pm sat and sundays.

What I didn’t do is prepare myself for the WOW of being on my own. I was anxious to be free. I wanted adventure but I didn’t expect how fast the bills come in or what it involves to be responsible for every little detail of keeping a place. It’s much easier when there are two people with an income because money can’t become the main factor. You have to make sure you’ll enjoy yourself too, go on weekend excursions, concerts with friends, be able to be part of a gym or some other team to get you out of the appartment and shake things up a bit to have a great experience living on your own. It’s not a good feeling to be worried about the electric and phone bill or when you’ll be able to cook a decent meal. Being prepared and having a game plan is key. Best of luck!


Answer #48

It’s a bad sign when you think that you can ‘buy’ an apartment. You ‘rent’ an apartment, unless you have a whole lot of money.

Anyway, if your boyfriend is 7 years older than you, then why isn’t he checking on this stuff? As others have said, check with your local police dept as far as if you are of legal age to move out.

Is something so bad at home, that you can’t stay there until you finish school? Are you even in school?

And what are you doing with a guy that is so much oldr than you? That’s the question I’d be asking…Is it legal for a guy his age to be with a girl who is 16. I think, in some states, it’s illegal to be with a girl that’s 15.

Why don’t you just stay in school and stay at home? Sounds like, to me, that he isn’t a very responsible person, himself. Plus, what kind of a person is he to be with a girl whose 16, almost 17?

Lot of things going on here. Seems like you need to ask a few more questions because it seems like you might be running from something. There’s, definitely, something not right.

Feel free to fun mail me if you want to talk. I have a lot of experience under my belt and I’d like to help you, if you want to hear what I would have to say.

Good luck to you either way.


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