Questions & Answers

  1. Do you think my boyfriend is being a jerk?
  2. How to stop crushing on guys w/ talent
  3. Which of these six guys should I pick?
  4. Has anyone taken the Merit Test for a county job?
  5. How to handle my sister?
  6. How to get rid of a virus in Windows XP?
  7. How to stop this depression?
  8. why do people on funadvice ask stupid stuff ?
  9. How can I get curls that stay?
  10. What happened to
  11. Does he like me as a friend or more?
  12. Is anyone a nutritionist?
  13. How to leash train my Yorkie?
  14. Should I go out with him?
  15. How to stop smoking for good?
  16. How to stop spam e-mail?
  17. Is a BMI of 19.7 normal?
  18. Why do phones and calculators have numbers in different orders?
  19. Should I have counseling following my friend's behavior?
  20. What's the difference between a MP3 and WAV file?
  21. How do I know I'm in love?
  22. Where can I find cheat codes for PlayStation games?
  23. Do Ouija boards work?
  24. How to move out of my Mom's house to live with my best friend?
  25. What's the relationship between Church and State?
  26. What's the difference between goth and emo?
  27. What was the whole point of the Crusades?
  28. How do I know if he really loves me?
  29. Can I get my bellly button repierced?
  30. How do you dress emo?
  31. What's something new I can do with my hair?
  32. How to improve my English?
  33. What is your hobby?
  34. How do you get up in the morning?
  35. Does anyone else want something this terrible to happen?
  36. What is your thoughts on the Kingdom of God?
  37. What is legal bud?
  38. What should I do with my hair?
  39. Is it normal for a divorce to be so stressful?
  40. How to tell my Mom I might be pregnant?
  41. How to tell my husband I think I'm pregnant?
  42. Why are athiests and agnostics active the religious section?
  43. Why do people chat for such a short time?
  44. Which is best for shopping in Black Friday?
  45. Is Black Friday really good for shopping ?
  46. Is a credit card good or bad for people with bad credit?
  47. What's the easiest program to use to make money?
  48. Where is my AOL password?
  49. How to stop her from telling secrets?
  50. What are Sim card companies in America?
  51. How to know if it's the right thing to do?
  52. Will laxatives help me lose weight?
  53. How to get my Dad to stop saying these things?
  54. How to make sure Chihuahua puppies survive?
  55. How to keep my second boyfriend away from my first?
  56. How should I do my hair?
  57. What to buy my best friend for Christmas?
  58. Where can I find a Mahjongg set?
  59. How to get my Dad to like my boyfriend?
  60. Why does my best friend talk crap about my boyfriend?
  61. What's the best way to m*sturbate?
  62. What makeup will cover up eye bags?
  63. I need to find out what I should do for the rest of my life
  64. How to get the golden warthog on Halo 2?
  65. How do you use bittorrent with an HTML proxy?
  66. Is there something wrong around my vagina?
  67. What if my boyfriend gets jealous of my guy friends?
  68. Who likes Kelly Clarkson's new album?
  69. What do I do for a constipated newborn?
  70. Why does my stomach hurt when I walk?
  71. How can you tell if your dog is pregnant?
  72. Can you buy piercing kits at Hot Topic?
  73. Are s*x bangles really serious?
  74. How much do you think I weigh?
  75. Why isn't medication helping my depression?
  76. What is wrong with my boyfriend?
  77. What are good movies for a girl/boy party?
  78. How to get encouragement to stay happy?
  79. Will Hedi and Lauren be friends again?
  80. When is One Tree Hill coming back on?
  81. How to get her back?
  82. Will Avon take a check to get started with them?
  83. Will I continue to lose weight by doing this?
  84. Has anyone else done Challenge Day?
  85. What if my eyes are unequal sizes?
  86. How can I email John Cena?
  87. Should I be with boys or girls?
  88. What if I love someone other than my husband?
  89. Can you get your period while pregnant?
  90. What are fun things to do with my son?
  91. What's a healthy way to lose a few pounds?
  92. Should I get my hair cut like Blake Lively?
  93. What if I'm jealous of my best friend?
  94. How do you log out of FunAdvice?
  95. How do I lose 20 pounds?
  96. How to I last longer while m*sturbating?
  97. How can I stop overeating?
  98. How many atoms are there in the universe?
  99. Who is traveling for Thanksgiving?
  100. How to get friends and have my boyfriend?