What is your thoughts on the Kingdom of God?

Other says; we are going to live here on this very earth that we be rehabilitated to become a kingom, others says we are to be moved to heaven to inherit up there while others says 144,000 people are going to rule up there with Christ while the rest we be here on earth.

What is your own Suggestion?

Answer #1

God bless you…bid… for your interest in the Kingdom… Welcome.. son… and may the God of all peace bless you mightly…

While there may be many interputations, according to how many different people that you ask, you need to seek your own answers… for yourself… because this is far to an important subject to leave it up to someone esle to figure it out for you. God loves you… and he is spirit… his spirit inspired this book, called the bible, and this same spirit can and will reveal it to you, as you are ready, and as you seek the answers… Listen to what man has to say, but, always.. always… seek it out for yourself, and while you will not get all the answers that you seek, you will get many, some, we may have to wait until we see the Lord, to have answered. You need no one to teach you, the bible says so… Believe it.. trust in God.. keep your ears and eyes open, pray often, read the bible often… the answers will come, and it is a journey that we are on, an exciting one at that… Rejoice in the joy of your salvation… and cling to the blood…

The bible talks about the earth being renovated by fire, and then everything being made brand new.. then.. it says that the New Jerusalem, will come down out of heaven… prepared for us.. his children… and then we will be allowed to live in it.. So, it will in effect be heaven on earth, and Jesus will be in the middle of it… you can read this in the back of Revelations…

also, read what it says about the 144,000 it will help to clarify it for you… I believe they will be Jewish evangelists, sealed with the seal of God, for the purpose of being witnesses here on earth, during the tribulation period. They are chosen for this particular work, by God.

AS for ruling and reigning with Christ, all believers will do that… and all of this is in the book… read it… study it…

Much love… in Christ…

Answer #2

I 2 am a Christian and the bible says that “ whoever belives in Christ will have eternal life in heavan and those who have turened there backs from God will go to hell and perish for etrnity” . I know going to hell sounds scary but if you don’t belive in God thats what will happen…hope this helps…

Answer #3

To me I agree with the people that said 144,000 will rule rule up there with christ while we other we be here on this earth (the one that we be rehabilitated)

Answer #4

I think you have your mind made up and it doesn’t matter what anyone else will tell you. If you allow many people to tell you many things it will only lead to confusion. You will have to discover what it is about on your own for the most part. There are billions of people on this earth. Where is it said that only 144,000 will rule with Christ? Think of all those who passed us centuries ago. Are we too late?

Answer #5

Dear friend,

I am a christian I believe that we will die and go to heaven, but only if you believe in Jesus Christ, and if you ask him to come into your life! One day he will be returning to earth, because in the bible it says that he died on a cross for our sins, and for our healing! And 3 days later he rose from the dead! He is the one and the only truth and true God! I wish you a happy thanksgiving!

Answer #6

Jesus said, the Kingdom of God, (His Kingdom), is not of this world. Other than that the bible doesn’t give us much information.

Answer #7

“And there I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” as told in Revelation 21.

The earth as we know it will not last forever. When Jesus comes back, everything will become new, we will have no more sorrow, no more tears, no death. What ever you are going through, it’s not the last word. Spending eternity with God will be pure joy for those who love Him.

His Kingdom is ALL the people who love Him, not just the 144,000 which is symbolic of a perfect number 12 tribes of Israel times 12000 in each.

It is just plain ALL of God’s people who have been born again.

Bless you as you seek His Kingdom and His truth!

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