What's something new I can do with my hair?

I have relatively short hair (about half way down my neck) and its slightly layered and I usually straighten it but I was looking for something new and interesting I could do with it. Let me know if you have any ideas, Thanks!

(and link to pictures would be great!)

Answer #1

fringes are cool =D! you have maaany options to chose from. I’d advise you 2 make a fringe in teh style of rihanna perhaps?? (the singer.) plus, with a fringe you can do many things actually. put it down, to teh side, pin it up… OR, as the person be4 me sed - curl it.. why not?? curly hair is gr8 too! zigzag curls are the best :) ~! as well as all that, you can e.g. slightly haighlight your hair (if your parents let u..). blonde, black, red - best options to choose from xx-anna-xx good luck :)

Answer #2

As Anna_banana stated a fringe would be awesome as its really sexy but elegant at the same time. Try the Paris Hilton one. (see the pic) if you don’t think it would suit you then don’t go for a fringe at all. But a fringe can make a huge difference in appearance to just try something new! were is the harm in that-I mean it could easly grow back in a couple of months right?

Answer #3

Since it is short, you could scrunch it with gel or put some mousse in it and make use a blowdryer to make it wavy! You could also curl some pieces and leave some straight, that is cute!

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