Does he like me as a friend or more?

I like this guy hes my age and hes my best friend he liked me but I dont know if he still does he has me do everything with im if he goes to practice 8th peroid in band I have to he also always wants me to sit by him at lunch I often catch him staring at me but I asked him out and he said yes the I broke up with him because people my so called friends were saying things I cant stand it he keeps saying he likes me as a friend but he still does those things and I cant live with out him if I ask him out am I making a mistake ??? should I ask him again?? Does he like me as a friend or more ???

Answer #1

Um… I think you guys should stay as friends cause a relationship could ruin a friendship, But I think he would go back out with you I think he likes you a lot but the question is can you stay with him? or will you listen to other people talk? and hurt him? Dont worry about what other people are saying…

Answer #2

well never base a relationship on gossip/ opinions of others…if you like him go for it…but their is obviously a reason more than what your friends said bout him that made you break up with him…follow your heart it usually does kind things for u…

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