Will Hedi and Lauren be friends again?

If you watch the hills on mtv then do you think hedi and lauren will be friends again? I honestly hate Hedi and Spencer. I would never chose a boy over a best friend and cut them out of my life.

Answer #1

omgg im fckin obessed over the hills haha well I kinda hope they do but hedi kinda changed because of uhg spencer uhg nywaiis umm I don’t know =/ der friendship is lookn rocky sadly=/ I don’t know think so

Answer #2

I agree, Heidi just wants attention! Did you hear Spencer tell Heidi something like, “This show would be nothing without you…”, I think that is so stupid, cause Lauren is the only reason I watch the show and when Heidi comes on I get bored! I think that Lauren is beautiful and classy! She didn’t need to go get implants and a nose job to make people interested in her! I hope they do not become friends again cause I would really like to watch the show without Heidi!

Answer #3

I don’t think so,and I think that lauren is doing better without heidi

Answer #4

I hope so… like yeah hedi did some b!tchy things but lauren should a least try to work it out you know? like a friendship takes 2 people and hedi is trying to work it out and lauren wont even give her a chance… also just because spencer messed up doesnt mean hedi should have to pay

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