Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. What should I do with my contacts, I'm getting baptised?
  2. Should I read my horoscope?
  3. Where did my dogs spirit go after she passed?
  4. How can a tennis ball throw itself; is it cursed?
  5. How would I get 12 questions about Buddhism answered?
  6. Why do I keep getting dreams about my friend who committed suicide?
  7. Why does God challenge me with the impossible?
  8. what is the scariestthing thts eva happen 2 you when use a ouja bord?
  9. Why? What are you trying to tell me?
  10. Should I stay friends with this girl even tho she's athiest?
  11. What; paranomal activity is happenig to me?!?
  12. How do I live when someone told me I am a horrible person?
  13. Why: does my dead friend hate me?
  14. Is god trying to tell me something?
  15. Who believes in spiritual stuff?
  16. Why obey 10 commanments ?
  17. why churches teach all is going to heaven???
  18. What dose this mean?
  19. What happened to the greek gods?
  20. What of those is worse eating pork or drinking alcohol?
  21. How can I write a speech about the lords prayer?
  22. Would it be ok for me to use a ouija board with my religion?
  23. Has someone who has passed visited you in a dream?
  24. When praying, who do you pray to ?
  25. What did you give up for lent , did you succeed in keeping it up ?
  26. What biblical teachings were discussed in the Scopes Trial?
  27. What weird expieriences have you had with an Ouija board?
  28. What do you think about my thinking?
  29. What is the spiritual religion?
  30. Why did I have this strange out of body experience?
  31. What should be done about this religous situation?
  32. Who can help with ghosts?
  33. What does it mean that I can see ghosts?
  34. Why do JW go door to door when believe on 144,000 saved ?
  35. Why am I feeling like my house is haunted ?
  36. What...Have you heard of this before?
  37. Why do I have nightmares about my mom killing me?
  38. What are the requirement to go to heaven?
  39. How to become a vampire rituals?
  40. Was this a ghost?
  41. how do I join the freemasons?
  42. What is lent?
  43. Who believes we have guides?
  44. Why should I believe in the bible and god?
  45. How is there any proof of ghost?
  46. Who gave up things for Lent and what did you give up?
  47. Who can help me understand the paranormal activity in my house?
  48. Why are some athiests "sinking to the bible thumpers level"?
  49. How to stand up for God in a situation like this?
  50. When a person goes to hell, can they hear what you say?
  51. What can I do with parents who dont understand me & religion?
  52. Who believes we are in end times?
  53. Why do some Atheist people hate Christian religion?
  54. How do I get proof to that I have converted when I havnt?
  55. Why do I see spirits?
  56. What does my boyfriend's dream about the devil mean?
  57. Who knows if a atheist can be expelled from a catholic school?
  58. What is Hell?
  59. Why does the date of easter change every year?
  60. How is it wrong by going to a different church?
  61. Why is this going on why am I always rite?
  62. Who has seen nick vujicic speak?
  63. What are different Easter traditions in other countries ?
  64. How teaching of latter day saints and roman catholic differs?
  65. Why is water holy?
  66. Where is it legal to own a Canadian?
  67. How do people around the world celebrate good friday?
  68. What is a substitute for "Oh My Gosh"?
  69. How can public schools discriminate for religion?
  70. Why do people often bring God into something?
  71. What do I do if I like a guy that is against my family's religion?
  72. Who believes in the name elohim? Or yehushua?
  73. Why are their norms to following god?
  74. Why does she preach in class and tell me My beleifs are wrong???
  75. How to tell Jehovah's witness parents/family about law school?
  76. What do I have, a gift, or is it just my mind?
  77. What is life about?
  78. Who could please give me some information on Buddhism?
  79. How do you live a saved but fun life?
  80. Why do I feel so rubbish?
  81. What do youll think about Ghosts though?
  82. Who is a Mason? Does a Mason have to be related to sponsor me?
  83. Why do hindu people celebrate the festival of holi?
  84. Why is no one concerned we are all inbred?
  85. Why is my house kind of creepy at times?
  86. Why is it that Catholics can not eat meat on Fridays durinng lent?
  87. Who going to church tomorrow?
  88. Where is it written that muslims can't date outside their religion?
  89. Why are Jews so hated?
  90. How can I become a Wicca?
  91. What do Christians have against Wicca?
  92. What religion would my child follow?
  93. How long should I meditate?
  94. Why is my church youth picking favorites?
  95. Do christians beleive that vampires exist?
  96. What is your religion?
  97. What is the difference between hallelujah and alleluia?
  98. How can I tell my parents that I don't believe in god?
  99. could I be in a cult of some sort and dont know it?
  100. What does thiss fortune cookie mean?
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