Why does she preach in class and tell me My beleifs are wrong???

I go to a Vocational school for half a day to learn to draw blood. This takes two years and this is my first. I have one teacher away one maternaty/maternity leave and the other stays of course. We have a substitute who tells us flat out that becouse she is older, devorced and has a kid she knows more than We do…

The issue begins with my idea on gay marrage. I have no problem if someone is gay its their decision and we have no right to tell them they are wrong. I was talking to my group about a commercial that Match.com had a while back with a gay person on it, personally I thought this was great a dating commercial with a gay being on it. Well miss Sub decides to join in on the conversation (by the way I’m intitled to my opinion just like everyone else) she says I’m wrong and im not going to win this arguement. what argument I was talking to my friends not her?! Then my normle teacher comes in and asked what we were talking about (by this time I have a tone because I’m so mad) and Sub goes “gays are wrong aren’t they Sherrie?” my teacher replies “yes, they are an abomination to god… the old testiment says so”. Yeah well the Bible says don’t judge too but I guess she skipped that verse… Now I didn’t know this till after class but one of my friends is GAY omg and they just offended her on a hundred different levels!

So I’m going to the principal next week and reminding him about a law that seperates religion from school. My friend is suicidle and might attempt to kill herself and I’ll be sure to remind my teacher and that dumb Sh!t sub that they are to blame…

So do they have a right to preach Christian Religion on us and tell us we are wrong for agreeing with something so different? This is a public school. And what do you think should happen to these teachers?

Please answer no answers will be ignored. There is an anger burning inside me such a rage I would almost deny all religions at this point…

Answer #1

Homosexual behavior is non-productive to a healthy society? It should be condemned when brought out into public?

Dear lord. Stop the manly chest thumping for two seconds and listen to yourself.

You are speaking as if one group of people have a monopoly on ‘non-productive’ relationships or lifestyles. If by non-productive you mean they are not poppin gout babies like a PEZ dispenser you’re right! And thank goodness for that. We have an over populated world as it is and there are enough Heterosexual people out there that are having babies for welfare checks and throwing them in trashbins and abandoning and abusing them, etc..etc…

As for public displays of affection I’ll take your complaint one step further and say, I don’t like seeing ANYONE cleaning each other’s throats or groping madly in public. I don’t care what their sexual orientation is I don’t want to see it. But I don’t hear there being any complaints about straight people bringing it “out of the bedroom to the street”.

And I don’t know what government money you are talking about for married couples. I was married and I got taxed MORE than when I was single. The government doesn’t just GIVE you money because you’re married.

Get your facts straight before spouting harmful and derogatory opinions.

Answer #2

Do you realize that anyone can talk about any subject and you can learn to accept or reject the speaker. Homosexual behavior is non-productive to a health society. When it comes out of the bedroom to the street; It will be rightfully condemmed and ridiculed. Take it back to a private act. Homosexual lobbys want marriage as a way to get govrnment money. There is no rights issues here.

Answer #3

im a christian. and the bible does say that it is wrong to have gay marriges.but I personally have no problem with it. I think that people should speak there mind and not do what they feel. I hope this helps =)

Answer #4

Here is where your sub teacher went wrong…

The bible does call homosexuality an abomination but… In the essence that the bible uses it in, the word abomination means untraditional. The reason being, the homosexuals aren’t propagating the world. She is basically saying thats what the bible says… Wrong – thats not what the bible says thats what the bible reads… Biblical literalists don’t know what they’re saying… Its simple as that.

Then they all go back to Sodom and Gomorrah. This place didn’t get destroyed for homosexuality only… Thats another thing that people don’t get… They weren’t religious at all and most of them did a lot of stuff against the bible.

What your teacher is doing is something called Binary thinking. Its by far the lamest thought process ever. I mean I know for sure that homosexuality isn’t a choice. Its partly because of genetics. The reason being is that stuff like what your teacher is saying affects the openness that the homosexuals have. Its not about homosexuality being a choice, its about discovering that you are a homosexual. Trying to change a persons sexual orientation is not recommended and can cause several issues in a person. Homosexuality is not just in humans, its in lions, zebras, monkeys, elephants, baboons, flies, etc (you get the idea). Obviously people aren’t animals and humans have free will, you don’t just decide who to love. Thats another thing that people don’t get… The church claims to convert people but that isn’t true. They can’t change a persons inner sexual desires, just a persons sexual conduct. The American psychoanalytic association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of Social workers have all said that homosexuality should not be treated as a mental disorder and that they oppose attempts at conversion therapy.

As for preaching… You see, your teacher wasn’t trying to indoctrinate her beliefs onto you. In that case then yes you should report it to the school principal. On the other hand, all she was doing was giving her perspective on gay marriage. Also, in essence you were kind of looking for an argument there, this whole thing has no relevance to education so I would drop the whole thing. If you want too… You can still talk to your principal about it. She can say what she wants but she can’t force you to believe them. And you have full right to disagree with her and say what you want.

As for your friend, she doesn’t need to listen to what they’re saying. They have no literal evidence to back up there claims so therefore they really just hate homosexuals (according to me).

Oh and just to point out she may know more about certain aspects of life. That doesn’t mean she knows more then you, bout time she got that into her head.

Answer #5

File a lawsuit against the district. It’s the only way this problem will be resolved. Nobody pays attention to complaints against church/state separation until they’re being sued for it.

Answer #6

you know that really is bullshit and you could have gotten a really really good arguement from that wich probably could have let go of some of that steam.. and if you keep your calm and a clear mind and learn more about what the bible really says, you can argue evrything that she states from the bible and how theve got it all twisted up and that shes really the wrong one. make her feel bad for what shes said in a logical calm matter and not only will she be proven wrong by someone who isent married and old ect.. but maby it will open up that closed mind of hers, one change could turn into a thousand. :)

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