Should I stay friends with this girl even tho she's athiest?

I’m 13 and I have this friend who doesn’t believe in God. She believes in all those things like the god of water and the god of this and the god of that. She believes her real dad was the water god, and she was sent to her parents or sumthin like that. I’m very serious about my beliefs. I’ve tried to get her to come to church with me, but she just gets all affended. What should I do? Should I not be her friend? Or should I keep trying to get her to come to church? Or should I stay her friend and just leave her alone?

Answer #1

you dont just go to “ heaven “ just because you asked him into your heart! youre still “supposed to do try to be godly and good” geez

Answer #2

Everyone has a right to believe in what they want to believe in.

It’s okay to discuss your beliefs with other people—as long as it’s a two way conversation. Your friend has her beliefs, and you have yours. Maybe your friend wishes you should see where she’s coming from. Offering to open new doors to people isn’t a bad thing, but there’s a fine line between showing new options and trying to force them down their throat.

If you honestly cannot accept what she believes in, then move on. I have many friends who all believe in different things but that is our personal business. We respect each others thoughts and feelings. If you can’t do that, then don’t be her friend. But I think it would be a good idea for you to learn to be a bit more accepting of others beliefs, feelings, and ideas.

Does it really affect you so much that you can’t be friends with her? Is that all you talk about? Friends should be accepting and understanding of one another.

Answer #3

I personally think that you should remain friends with her. What a better way to be a light?

Answer #4

There is not much I can add to this thread other than, in my prospective we all wind up in Summerland. To the original question posted, I am Wiccan my best friend is Christian we have been friends for over 14 years… whats the problem? He does his thing I do mine, we still get along. try that or leave her alone, what kind of friend is always trying to change the people they care about. Love her as she is or move on.

Answer #5

I would like to first say that I am very proud of you for all your efforts and thoughts for your friend.

It takes a true friend to want some much for a friend. You are very brave and I want you to know that right now, God is really proud of you.

Don’t give up! I know its hard. Sometimes you might feel like giving up, but don’t. There’s a reason why this girl is your friend. It’s because God brought her to you that you will help her see Him.

The first thing I can say is to pray. Start everything with God and I know he will open a way for you.

As for your friend, continue to be persistent, but not too much that it ends your friendship. The reason being is because you want her to see how sincere you are about God and His awesome love.

I want to repeat again, that I am very proud of you! I hope you continue to persist and God will definitely bring a way!

If you need any help, questions or prayers just ask me! I’ll be here to help! I’ll be praying for you!

Answer #6

Continually pushing someone to come to church will only push them further away. Stay friends with her, and drop the church subject, but not entirely. The Bible says to love others no matter what. Every once in a while, mention youth group or another youth-based church activity to her or in a group of friends. She will either show an eventual interest or continue in her ways. And that’s her decision, not yours.

Answer #7

One of my closest friends is an athiest. It’s true that there’s always a barrier between us and no doubt we disagree on just about any controversial topic, but so what. We’re both funloving and crazy, and so that is our focus. Being her friend, has also even strengthened me in my faith and has given me more of an open mind and understanding to a different perspective other than my own. I would even say her friendship has been a blessing and gift from God. My adivce to you, is to be a friend to her and instead of forcing her to see the love of God, why not show her with the good things you say and do? Never ever force your beliefs on anyone, and if she has any questions reguarding your beliefs answer to them the best you can. Hope this helps:)

Answer #8

Amen (lol) jimahl. Gee…all us with different beliefs are going to hell in a handbasket. hell sounds more fun…the company will be more entertaining and less judgemental.

Answer #9

Why do so many christians think that just because someone doesn’t believe in their fantasies that that person doesn’t know anything about their religion. Most people who stop believing in christianity do so because they have learned more about the religion than most of the believers. I am sure I know more about christianity than every believer on this thread.

Answer #10

I understand your situation. I’m in the exact one. My advice to you is continue being friends with her. Look at it as a chance to witness to her, and let your light shine! As long as you don’t get tempted by her or the devil, you should be fine.

Answer #11

well thats not atheist I think its called pagan beliefs and I think you should still be friends with her but maybe try to explain to her why you believe what you belive and just make a conversation of it.

Answer #12

I’m in a similar situation - in a 3 way friendship we have a v.v.v strong christian, a Pagan/druid/wiccan and a pagan/athiest/ancient Greek, so I think I can give some good advice here.

I’d stay friends with her, just stop hassling her. If she’s a nice person, fun to be around, then why end the friendship? Don’t talk about religion, just avoid the subject if it agravates both of you. Stick to what I’d call “safe ground” - singers you like, animals, TV programmes, things you do together and enjoy. What she believes is her choice and, from my experiences, the more you hassle her about being a christian, the less she’s gonna want to be one. You’re more likely to be pushing her away from the Christian faith.

Answer #13

I’m not judging her! She’s a great friend and I love her! It’s just that I no I asked God into my heart so I no I’m going to heaven, but heaven wouldn’t be much of a heaven without her!

Answer #14

If you’re bigoted against anyone who doesn’t believe what you do, then the whole world is better served by you sticking to others of like mind rather than tricking us into what we think are real friendships only so you can try to brainwash us into your religion.

Answer #15

If you go through life ONLY being friends with those who are exactly like you, have the same beliefs, etc…then you are going to be a lonely, boring person. Knock off the superior attitude and start to appreciate the differences.

Answer #16

I said that because If you are strongly against something.. You dont agree with it… and if you dont believe in something that your friend does or whatever.. then its gunna be hard to be there friend for some people… Sooo yeah!!! KEYWORD FOR SOME people… that doesnt mean everyone!!! If you dont agree thats your own oppinon okay!!

Answer #17

‘if she doesn’t believe in god thats a big risk’

Why is this a risk? Is there something bad about not believing in God, or being a part of the great Christian society?

Answer #18

I am 13 years old also and I think that you shoud not be her friend anymore… You can be her aqquiantance but if she doesnt believe in god thats a big risk.. Ecspecially if you are strong about your belifs… And if she really wants to be your friend she will say fine ill go to church with you..!!!

Answer #19

Sure I mean she beliueves in difrent things… and…

Theres nothing wrong with that, is lilke traying to see you want to be friends with a balck pearson or something…

Answer #20

agreed with ty, I feel crazy, toad, and blackrosedying

I thought you said you were her friend, see,s to me she’s more yours than you are her. She accepts you for who you are and doesn’t try to convert you now does she. Why can’t you do the same for her? I’ld say, if you even have to ponder whether to be her friend or not just because of her religion, then break it off. If you can’t truly be there for her, if you can’t accept her for who SHE IS and must try and constantly convert her, break it off for her sake. DOn’t waste her time anymore when she could be finding a more genuine friend.

Answer #21

leave her alone. no one likes a preachy person. no one likes someone that tries to change you because that person doesnt like who you are.

if you ask me you were never were her real friend or you would love her for who she is.

also! atheism means you dont believe in anything at all. not that you believe in a god of water, fire, sun, etc. thats a little like hinduism.

Answer #22

I’m very serious about my beliefs. I’ve tried to get her to come to church with me, but she just gets all affended. What should I do?

So, you are allowed to be serious about your beliefs, but hers are a bunch of nonsense? Doesn’t your bible say DO NOT JUDGE?

Should I not be her friend?

Don’t be her friend, she can really do a lot better and find some friends who respect her and leave her to believe what she wants to.

Oh and then do us all a favour go read the DEFINITION of atheism, it is not someone who isn’t a Christian. You really sound ignorant.

Answer #23

No, you’re not going to heaven, no one is. You are to inherit the earth. Read the bible. -_- And to all these other people stating how you should explain your religion to her, etc, perhaps she might already know, Christianity is the most well known. Have you ever wondered why she’s not a believer? Perhaps you BOTH should talk about your believes, why you believe in them, etc, to gain a better understanding about each other. Learn about her believes. Listen to her with an open mind. Just because you don’t have faith in her beliefs and don’t take her beliefs seriously doesn’t mean she doesn’t. Try being respectful to her beliefs as she is yours.

Answer #24

Stop being friends with this girl. And I say this for her sake. I wouldnt want to be friends with someone who thinks its their job in life to judge me (seriously, ever read the bible? I know it says plenty about not judging people) and I especially dont think I’d want to be friends with someone who was busy trying to convert me. She’s better off. Oh and I dont blame you. I get that your parents have created you. Because I mean if you think that an atheist is anyone who doesnt believe in your God well, really, what can one say after that?

Answer #25

I think that you should stay her friend if the only reason you’d stop is because she’s atheist. Does she bash your religion or try to convert you? Because if she doesn’t then it would be disrespectful to her beliefs for you to try to convert her or stop being friends with her. I think having different beliefs isn’t a good reason to destroy a friendship. I understand that since you are a serious Christian you are expected to convert people, but it is your choice to believe in God and it is her choice not to, and you should respect that.

Answer #26

Religion shouldn’t decide whether or not you can befriend this girl. Just because she doesn’t hold the same beliefs doesn’t mean she’s not a good person. You should be more open-minded towards other religions. You can’t go changing someone just because ‘you’ think it’s wrong. Christianity isn’t the only religion to follow.

Answer #27

Try to make her reconsider her beliefs in so many deities, remain her friend.

Answer #28

you both sound like nut jobs

Answer #29

Yes, you may learn something.

Answer #30

dur. your stupid. god doesn’t exist so she is right not you. she should stop being friends with you for being shallow.

Answer #31

dur. your stupid. god doesn’t exist so she is right not you. she should stop being friends with you for being shallow.

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