How can I tell my parents that I don't believe in god?

Well, I’ve already told them that I don’t believe in god, and they almost acted like it was a joke, but they didn’t criticize me like other religious people I know have. Telling my parents wasn’t a big deal, but if I ever flat out told my friends I feel like they’d go ballistic. (I’ve grown up in a VERY religious community for my entire life.) My real question is, if you don’t believe in god (even if you’re just unsure), how did you deal with telling others that? How did you learn to accept becoming an outcast because of your non-belief?

Answer #1

I know exactly how you feel. I grew up into a religious family. on my dads side his parents were major god believers, so of course being a young girl I just went with it. but like last year when I was 13 I got into wicca. and I kept this from my grandparents for a while. but when my grandfather came to visit I sat down and talked to him on how he felt about this. and of course being him he just said it was a faze and its normal for a child to take up the same religion as their mother or whatever. but I just told him sure sure, and now days I don’t care what they think and I’m going to continue my life as a wiccan. it not like I like that side of that family anyways. hoped it helped!!

Answer #2

I don’t believe in god, and sometimes I feel like I’m a bad person for it. But one day I had an emotional breakdown because the feeling is so hard to keep inside. So, I told my Daddy and My Nana. And they completely accepted me. I want to try to believe in God, so I’ve been going to mass on saturday nights. I told my friends, and turns out, they all have doubts at one point or another. I wouldn’t be afraid to tell anyone.

Answer #3

I dont find it necessary to tell other people about my faith or lack thereof. But if there’s a need to discuss though, I just tell them that I’m not practicing. People here in my country are very catholic too and I studied in a jesuit university. Some people might think bad of me because im not religious or whatever but frankly, I dont give a dannnggg. I dont know them, I dont owe them. They can think anything of me, but whatever.

As for my parents, they dont really pressure me into anything. So yeah. Haha :-)

Just be yourself, think and believe whatever you like. Its your own life and your own choice. :-)

Answer #4

I just flat out tell people cus I dont give a crap ;)

ok the full on approach might not be the best bet for religious people but I find that being up front and honest is teh way to go..

EG: ‘excuse me, do you mind moving away from me please as your body odor is making me feel sick?’

Answer #5

Well I don’t really care if they know or not. I’m just curious if anyone else has had any ridicule like I have. I live in Utah so I don’t think you can get much more religious than that.

Answer #6

well tell them that you mean what you say. they should understand. also if anyone makes you an outcast they are not followers of Gods word. that is not what is done to non-believers nore can they judge you, remember its all about choice. if you just lied and went on along with the front that you believe to make others happy theres no point. question? what made you come to this point?? not that im going to try to change your mind or anything, just tring to get an idea of the “VERY religious community “ youve lived in. usually that means they have a misunderstanding of God.

Answer #7

My religion isn’t one I share with anyone I know personally. I found it on my own, and I’m living it on my own. I find that everyone around me (for the most part…) is generally accepting of it. I think the reasons for that would probably be because I don’t flaunt it in any way. I follow what I follow, and you follow what you follow, our paths don’t cross and that’s okay with me. The only people who did start any kind of trouble with it left me alone after I ignored their garbage long enough. Just stick with what seems right to you.

Answer #8

well I do believe in god, but a lot of my friends dont and they just flat out said it , I didnt care because im not religious but im not sure if there parents know I think one of them grew up in a family that dosnt believe in god, but im sure if their your TRUE friends they will look atu the same and wont b jerks about it

hoped I helped :)

Answer #9

Parents do that. I’m 23 so this is 10 years later, and they’re still waiting for me to grow up and join the religious community. Honestly, I dont feel the need to share my beliefs with others. It would be very insulting to some people and it would be embarrassing to my parents, and I weigh that against listening to some person go on about whatever and I figure it isnt worth it. Obviously my close friends know what my religious views are and they are generally accepting (although I’ve had one really bad experience). But to my parents community, I’m not fake and I wont pretend, but I dont go out of my way to make it known what I believe.

Answer #10

try to have a “serious talk” with her. I know friends from a lot of religions and they never said anything bad bout me or my belief. only ignorant people would.

Answer #11

That’s true. I don’t really care if people know. I know I’m not a bad person because of it, and I’ve never been one to change just to please people. But it does get rather frustrating, especially in the dating world, where one of the first things a girl wants to know is if you served a mission. And if you haven’t, or aren’t a part of their church, it’s like you’re not good enough or something. I know it sounds silly, but it does seriously limit my options for friends and potential lovers.

Answer #12

Sounds like you’re dealing with an LDS situation. From what you say, I assume you’re from Utah, because that’s the only place LDS have such a community-wide presence.

Just keep on looking, all I can say. It sucks, but it will get better(eventually).

Answer #13

I never really told anyone. They sort of figured it out on their own when I quit going to church, praying etc. As far as friends go, I drifted away from my most of my hyper-religious friends and made new friends who have no expectations of religion from me.

It takes time though. It probably took about 5 years to completely readjust my life.

Answer #14

just keep telling them once and awhile and eventually they will beileve you. I did that when I said I ahve no religion

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