Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Never baptized
  2. Science or relgion?
  3. Did we live in heaven before we came to earth?
  4. Do you believe in destiny?
  5. Dating acceptable in the house of the lord?
  6. Trinity, Hellfire, Immortality Of The Soul, Christmas, Easter
  7. How do I get saved?
  8. Will I go to hell for this?
  9. Atheism for Dummies
  10. I dont trust priest or pastors that look rich.
  11. Davinci code, Is there a religion based on that theory yet?
  12. Devil Went Down to Georgia
  13. What are the Seven Deadly Sins?
  14. Who knows what the Church Of Scientology is?
  15. At what point is a religion an occult?
  16. Atheism and blasphemy questions
  17. Does God speak to you?
  18. Christianity and happiness
  19. Is astral projection possible?
  20. Why dont you believe in Jesus?
  21. How do I become tolerant of religion?
  22. Moving out so religion isn't forced on me?
  23. What do you think humans as a species could evolve into?
  24. Can you imagine when you were not?
  25. The crypted race
  26. Do other religions besides Christianity heal people?
  27. What happens after you die?
  28. Am I psychic?
  29. The 'Lost Tomb of Jesus'
  30. A bunch of religous questions
  31. Could someone tell me how to pray?
  32. Do ghosts come to you when you read about them?
  33. Believe in astrology?
  34. How do I tell my friends I am now a Pagon?
  35. Help me be saved.
  36. Do those who commit suicide go to Hell?
  37. Your Opinion About The Occult Would Be...
  38. What do you do when you have doubts about faith?
  39. Atheist or Agnostic?
  40. Biblical advice on love and relationships
  41. So, how do you react when in need,..
  42. What are your Spiritual Gifts?
  43. If you don't believe in God..
  44. About Life
  45. A few religious questions.
  46. Is Bill Maher correct ?
  47. A belief about owls
  48. Are ghosts harmful?
  49. Do you believe that good things happen to good people?
  50. Ghost experiences
  51. No religion makes someone bad?
  52. Who believes there's an afterlife?
  53. Polygamy issues
  54. GOD or is he there
  55. What is the meaning of life?
  56. If god created you then why is it wrong to be gay?
  57. If adam and eve were already here...
  58. Has anyone seen a ghost?
  59. Is the Bible the word of man, or God?
  60. Anyone believe in ghosts?
  61. The Concept of Atheism
  62. Is anyone here Apostolic?
  63. God and Fate?
  64. Sin to smoke weed?
  65. Was confident in my religion, now starting to have doubts
  66. Do you believe that God is coming in 2012?
  67. Does god love stupid people??
  68. How does intelligent design support your religion?
  69. Atheists and God
  70. Worid religion
  71. Should we believe in horoscopes?
  72. Could you stop the quotes from the Bible?
  73. What do you believe?
  74. On the road of discovery studying neo-paganism
  75. Talking about their own church
  76. Religion has been corrupted by man?
  77. Who is the arc angel Gabriel?
  78. Virgin Mary?
  79. Does which God matter when getting into Heaven?
  80. What does god think of gay relationships?
  81. What is Wicca and what do they believe?
  82. How many people are christians on here?
  83. Questions around Jesus
  84. Evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. Do you have any doubts?
  85. Would these terms offend you?
  86. Why don't people think Islam is the right religion?
  87. Do you think we should have prayer in all schools?
  88. What if we didn't begin marriage the way God intended?
  89. Gender of Snake that gave the apple to Eve?
  90. Why do people think god is real?
  91. Prove god exists
  92. What do you think about Pentecostals?
  93. Why isn't there more relgious tolerance?
  94. God is in Us
  95. Is anyone here a Wiccan?
  96. What do I tell my mother if I've decided to become an Atheist?
  97. Why do people hate Satanists?
  98. Is anyone here a Satanist?
  99. Living forever vs dying
  100. God exists 3- the metamorphosis