What do you think about Pentecostals?

Do you think Pentecostals’ beliefs are unusual?

Answer #1

We have freedom of religion and they think they are doing it right. The true church is paterned after the church Christ establish with Apostles and a Prophet when you find that church you will have found the true one.

Answer #2

Their beliefs are irrational but no more or less so than any other religion. As people, my best friend is a Pentecostal and she’s a wonderful woman who treats me with respect knowing that I’m an atheist.

Answer #3

Yes. Pentacostals are Christian version of the Taliban.

Answer #4

Sure we are!!! ~smiles~

Answer #5

I think Penticostals are alright from what I know about them. I don’t know what they believe in since I’m not a member of the church but, I respect them and everything.

Answer #6

I am Pentecostal!! I love God with all my heart!!! and I WILLINGLY CHOOSE TO BELIEVE AND FOLLOW THE KJV BIBLE AND DOCTRINE!!! I am not weird or unusual…I am a normal teenager…and I wish that people would stop hating me for what I believe…but I know it wont cause Jesus Christ said I would be hated for it!! thats in the Bible!!! Luke 6:22 look it up! and I also keep this one in mind too!!!Luke 6:27-28 :” But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good unto them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and despitefully use you.” although you might think that I am weird and I have no business writing all of this…and , although you dont know me you probably dont like me, but that is ok! I will pray for you anyaway!!!

Answer #7

that religion is nuts but the people are ok..sometimes.

Answer #8

Pentacostals are batshit crazy. I mean religion is nuts, but understandable, but these people are total nutjobs. And sure they’re nice to you…for a while, until they try and recruit you. And try, and try, and try, and preach and nag. Like Ned Flanders when he holds all his bad emotions in, just makes em fake, and wacko. Praise Jesus

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