What is Wicca and what do they believe?

ok so im a christian but I’ve ben hearing about wicca like what exactly is it what do they teach? what do they believe?

Answer #1

yeah I’m a Christian to. all I really know though is that they practice whitchcraft and believe something about there being goddess’s and god’s although I’m not so sure about this one

Answer #2

“Wicca” was the Old English male form of “witch”, the female being “wicce”, their craft/art was “wiccecraeft” (“witchcraft”).

Ironic that most “Wicca” folk are generally anti-Germanic (unless they are Seax-Wica) when they use terms from a Germanic culture all the time. Though many claim they are from Gaelic which is not only impossible (as a Gaelic speaker cannot pronounce “wicca”) but is easily proven wrong.

Mind you many think the Maypole to be Celtic/Gaelic when it is actually Germanic and was brought to the British Isles by the early Heathen English.

Answer #3

Wicca is a form of pagan witchcraft, with certain rituals, they have a religion, and magical beliefs. Wicca is a duotheistic religion worshipping a God and a Goddess, who are seen as complementary polarities, and “embodiments of a life-force manifest in nature.” They are sometimes symbolised as the Sun and Moon. The Goddess is seen as complete unto herself, and the God is not worshipped at all. When practising magic and casting spells, as well as when celebrating various festivals, Wiccans use a variety of rituals. In typical rites, the coven or solitary assembles inside a ritually cast and purified magic circle. Casting the circle may involve the invocation of the “Guardians” of the cardinal points: East (Air), South (Fire), West (Water) and North (Earth). This use of the classical elements is a key feature of the Wiccan world-view. Every manifest force or form is seen to express one or more of the four elements. Some add a fifth or quintessential element called Spirit (also called aether or akasha). The five points of the frequently worn pentagram symbolise, among other things, the four elements with spirit presiding at the top. Once the circle is cast, a seasonal ritual may be performed, prayers to the God and Goddess are said, and spells are sometimes worked. Many Wiccans use a special set of magical tools in their rituals. These can include a broom, cauldron, chalice, wand, Book of Shadows, altar cloth, athame, boline, candles, crystals, pentacle and/or incense. An altar is usually present in the circle, on which ritual tools are placed and representations of the God/Goddess may be displayed.

want to know more just read through this, thats where I got my info. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicca

Answer #4

pagan, wicca, & witchcraft are three diffrent things here the temr wiccan & witch are used enterchangably, but a witch is just a practitioner of magick & a wiccan is a follow of the religion wicca

http://www.electricwitch.com/contents.html http://members.tripod.com/MysticalWolf/Witchcraft.html

Answer #5

im not sure exactly what wicca is … I believe they practice witchcraft …

but other than that … thats all I know lol

im chrsitian as well …

sorry … I wish I could help more … :)

Answer #6

Wicca and Witchcraft are two completely different things. To say so, would be like me saying that Muslim and Christian are one and the same, and we all know that its not.

One can be a Witch, without being a Wiccan, and one can be a Wiccan without practices Witchcraft. Futhermore, Wicca is a recognized religion, while Witchcraft itself is not considered a religion. I also know of wiccans who also identify as christians. There are as many explanations of Wicca as there are people who practice Wicca.

This may help… http://www.crystalinks.com/wicca.html

Answer #7

Alright, I’m wiccan myself. What Wicca is all about is Nature. We believe there is a god and a Goddess(The Goddess is more known and believed in) She is the Goddess of Fertility, we believe that yes there is a supernatural life, and reancarnation and we do spells, and yes we believe in Magick(notice its spelled with a “k” to differ from Magic like hocus Pocus Magician) There is nothing bad about Wiccan, we don’t worship Satan(That would be Satanism kids) actaully the Wiccan Rede is “An’ it harm none, Do what thou wilt”. really that means, if it doesn’t hurt someone else you can do what you want. Pretty much Wicca is a beautiful understanding religion that doesn’t limit what you can do other than harming others. And its all about nature and being natural. Hope that helped!! Oh and P.S. for all the people who say that we worship satan and all that. That rumor was made by Christianity, and Wicca was alive and well before Christianity came along, so therefore there is no reason for you to believe that.

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