Why isn't there more relgious tolerance?

Why to people of other religions condemn all other religions on this site and say stuff like they will go to Hell forever. I have seen that when people are talking about their religion other people who do not even understand it will say stuff like that is not in their holy book, and their God doesn’t approve of it, so they will go to Hell? I think that is a bit harsh, since there is no religion that actually says beleive in this religion only or you will go to Hell. Please give suggestions. Thank You.

Answer #1

The bible says that the penalty for sin is death, and that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, It also says that those that do no repent of their sin, end up in hell.

God gives everyone a chance to repent and be saved. If they choose to ignore his offer, there is nothing else he can do.

Why put so much empathis on hell?

Isn’t it much better to think about repentance, salvation, and eternity with God?

If a Christian is going to be true to God, and to his holy word, they have to tell the whole story.

We did not write the book, we just accept it, and live by it, and share it, as we are commanded to. It is entirely up to each and every person who hears it, as to what they will do with it.

If we do not share the truth, we are then held accounable, for those we did not tell it to. We are sorry if you are offended by what we consider as the truth. If you don’t want to belive it, fine, that is your choice. Don’t attack us, because we choose to tell you the truth, as we see it.

I think everyone would be very glad if we took Hell out of the book, however, that is just not possible. We don’t like the thought of hell any more than you do, so, we choose to do something about it. And that is to confess to Almighty God, that we are sinners, in need of the grace and forgiveness that he so willingly offers. We receive it, and live by it, and share it.

Plain and simple.

Sorry, if you are offended by Gods Holy Word.

Answer #2

there mightn’t be a religion that says “if you beleive in this you’ll be in trouble”, but the christian bible clearly states that NOT believing in christianity is a sin.I’m sure other religions do the same.

Answer #3

God is real and hell is real, and if you don’t beleive in god you will go to hell. Hell is a harsh punishment, but if you don’t beleive in god you deserve to go to hell.

Answer #4

Hey life is harsh. . . . .

Answer #5

well its because people are so unexcepting of what is not familair common example…when people call people emo its ridiculous when someone says something that they believe people cant leave it alone…I dont understand it either it is quite stupid and even pointless

Answer #6

The only way that a person would go to hell is if they don’t believe in God, and never asked him into their heart. No matter what anyone has done, God still loves them, (or you) and that kind of explains why he died for us. I disagree with “wingate”… I think that (if you don’t ask God into your heart before you die then yes, you will go to hell) but we ALL deserve to go to hell. It’s only because God is perfect that he can forgive us for all the crap we’ve done.

Answer #7

sadly sexymadison, silverwings has stated as much here many times.

Silverwings, I am not offended by that ridiculous old book of nonsense you call ‘Gods Holy Word’. But I am offended by the thinly veiled threats and insults you promote by quoting some horse hockey from an anonymous superstitious ancient goat herder whose goal was obviously to fool his tribesmen into letting him freeload at their expense.

bbbB, you ask for religious tolerance, but you yourself have previously contributed to intolerance in regard to atheists here. I’m not bringing this up to rub it in, since you’ve expressed remorse about it, but rather, so you might better understand why others do the same thing.

Answer #8

To Silverwings: So do you think that all Wiccans will go to Hell if they don’t believe in Jesus Christ?

Answer #9

jaes, do you have proof that your belief is true? that there is no god? any evidence?

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