GOD or is he there

Dear People, I still believe in God but I don’t believe that Jesus DIED on the cross and then three days later came back to life. For one WHY didn’t he come back the next day or while he was still on the cross. I think he really didn’t die, he was barely alive and someone snuck in the tomb every night and healed him back to life. And also I believe that when we die our souls won’t go anywhere. I think we don’t even have souls. Is It Wrong To Think These Things???

Answer #1

If you don’t believe in the bible as a guide, then… there is no wrong.

What other guiding force is there that one should base their lives upon?

That is what is behind the huge push in our country, toward no faith, no God, no Jesus, no bible, no heaven, no hell, no judgement.

Without these, man can live the way he wants to, and has no one to answer to, except himself. This generation, more than any other is completely sold on this.

So, if you take all that out… Please tell me, what would be considered as wrong?

What would you go by?

God gave us a conscience, to help us find our way back to him.

What does your conscience say?

Does it tell you that there is no God?

Many people believe in God, but, not in Jesus. And he is the cornerstone for Christianity.

He becomes a stumbling block of offense.

Unbelief does this.

Millions of people have believed in and followed the teachings of Christ, for many generations. Multitudes have believed it so strongly that they were willing to die, rather than to recant their beliefs. They have become Christian martyrs. Have you ever read about any of them?

Have you ever read The Light and the Glory, by Peter Marshall ?

He was a chaplain in the US senate.

If you haven’t read it, please try to get a copy and read it. The library may have one.

Father God, I pray that this young woman, will not stop seeking answers, until she finds the truth. Amen.

Answer #2

No, it’s not wrong to think those things. Having those thoughts is part of the process of learning, of acquiring knowledge.

There are many people who believe in God but don’t believe in Christ or the Christian doctrine. Many also don’t believe in the Bible.

Everyone is entitled to believe the way they want to.

Your duty is to keep learning about life and its many religions. Then, and only then, are you able to reach a logical conclusion as to which (if any) belief system is right for you.

Me, I’m a deist.


  One who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion; a freethinker.  

de·ism (de’iz’?m, da’-) n.

The belief, based solely on reason, in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural revelation.

Answer #3

Lee Strobel has a book called The Case for Faith. He didn’t believe either and set out to prove it wrong as a journalist and found so much evidence that he now believes and wrote a book about it. Hope that helps. May God bless you and lead you to the answers you seek.

Answer #4

Satan is the great deciever / Liar - you’re being filled with them through doubt - the truth can be found in God’s word, the Bible - I believe it to be true, cover to cover - he tells us SEEK and we WILL find…Take care !!

Answer #5

I don’t know if any body said this but from what I know You cant go to heaven if you don’t believe he died and was resurrected, but you don’t believe in the after life so ok.

Lets just hope and I think all moral Christians would hope that Every good person will go to heaven even if they didn’t find Jesus.

Answer #6

Read the account of Jesus resurrection in each of the Gospels. You’ll see that major details are changed each time and the accounts contradict each other very plainly.

If you put the Gospels in the order of when they are written chronologically, you’ll see how the story was spiced up a little each time to make it seem more miraculous.

Answer #7

You ask if it is wrong to think that Jesus didn’t die and that we don’t have souls. Well look at it this way. If you said I don’t beleive George Washington died, and I don’t beleive I have a body, then that isn’t morally wrong. It’s just ignorant. Same thing with Jesus and not beleiving in a soul. Just like not beleving you have a body is not morally wrong in the same way not beleiving you have a soul is not morally wrong, it’s just ignorant. Hope this helped.

Answer #8

Jesus was beatin to DEATH on the cross,he was the chosen one to die for our sins..to prepare us a heaven to go to. He was dead in the tomb but rose on the 3rd day. I think that why he didnt just rise when he got in the tomb on the 1st or second day..is because people would think he really didnt die..So on the day he rose. an angel appeared and said he is risen…because he is Jesus. Probly to show people I am the son of gOd is why he rose on the 3rd day. But he preformed so many miricals on earth..that most people already knew. Yes he did die.

If you believe in GOD you should know that he wouldnt just create us and then when we die..thats it.

Answer #9

imma, the only thing wrong with what you stated, is your implicit assumption that there is some degree of truth to the Gospel story. But the NT is a work of propaganda. It’s not a history book nor a biography.

There’s little reason to even suspect that the passion story, which is obviously based on Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22, has any historical root to it at all. That being the case, we don’t know that Jesus was even crucified - or for that matter - that he existed at all.

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