Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Helpful scriptures for my boyfriend in jail?
  2. Have you seen a supernatural event or spirit?
  3. Why do people think God is great?
  4. To my fellow disciples in christ
  5. How to tell a grandma your becoming a wiccan?
  6. Tarot cards reading?
  7. Do you belive in God?
  8. Difference with dark and fallen angels
  9. Is satan attacking me?
  10. Dont want a religion
  11. If people told you, would you believe them?
  12. Are atheists being hypocritical?
  13. Do Sunni Muslims hate Americans like Shi'ites do?
  14. Jewish questions.
  15. Has anyone felt a deceased person?
  16. How can anyone believe a newborn child has sinned?
  17. Who is the only prophet, priest and king?
  18. How to cope with anti-Mormonism?
  19. What's the reason for people despising the LDS faith?
  20. How to use ouijha board?
  21. Who said said we should pray "in all positions"?
  22. Has anyone attended a Jehovah Witness service?
  23. What's the difference between Catholics and Latter-Day Saints?
  24. How should this be handled ?
  25. Does a golden angel mean anything?
  26. Whats the difference between christianity and catholicism?
  27. Is anyone a satanist?
  28. What happens after death?
  29. Force in this world that lives beneath the surface?
  30. To you, what is God's name?
  31. Catholic by Birth, Athiest by Choice
  32. Jehovah's witnesses?
  33. Confession
  34. Arc Angels
  35. What is your religious belief?
  36. You kids believe in superstitions?
  37. How come I look up to my LDS Branch President so much?
  38. Does it really matter if you choose not to believe in a religion?
  39. Is Mass required every Sunday for Catholics?
  40. History of Evolution
  41. Did you choose your religion or was it assigned?
  42. Whats a jew
  43. Is it wrong not to believe in God?
  44. Kids in religious schools
  45. If you dont go to church, do you go to Hell?
  46. What Do You Believe
  47. Christians, did I do the right thing?
  48. if this war lasts 7 years it could be the prophesised one?
  49. Should I go for it?
  50. Why Do Christians...
  51. What is Wahhabism ?
  52. Internment
  53. Which religion am I?
  54. Whats the difference between being catholic and christian?
  55. Big bang and The Bible, opinions?
  56. What does the dragon in revelations represent?
  57. Another God Question
  58. I beleive in God, what do you believe in?
  59. Are you scared when the rapture happens?
  60. Did any of you need a recremend for your patriarchal blessing?
  61. If your LDS when did you receive your patriarchal blessing?
  62. How does confession work in the Catholic Church?
  63. Religion, science, dimensions : My philosophy
  64. Proof there are more Gods?
  65. Find out what religion you truly are?
  66. I do not know what religion I am
  67. Is not going to Church wrong?
  68. Does God have free will?
  69. Have your muslim friends started pounding red bull recently?
  70. On what biblical authority can you say not to burn the bible?
  71. Gypsy tears
  72. Which is worse for a Christian - going to Easter mass in short-shorts and a tank top, or not going at all?
  73. Mayan calander
  74. End of the world (apocalypse)
  75. if god created the world in 7 days
  76. Where did God live before he created Heaven
  77. Christians that don't go to church?
  78. Is mythology satanic?
  79. Is anyone active in church?
  80. What is your religion/belief?
  81. How do you revoke demons?
  82. Is it ok to hate material things?
  83. What's the passage that refers to an animal
  84. Should there be a respectable dress code for women at church?
  85. Is watching porno a sin?
  86. Ghosthunters
  87. Who was arc angel gabriel?
  88. Who ran in 1984 presidental election?
  89. "From Dust you were made, Dust you will return"?
  90. What is a "Wiccan"?
  91. Who created Religion:- "Man or God"?
  92. What kind of magic is a blood oath?
  93. How many chapters does the bible have?
  94. How to apa cite the bible?
  95. Jeremiah chapter 10 sounds like our christmas tree
  96. What does the religion agnostic mean?
  97. Are we really living in the end times?
  98. Is the world really going to end in 2012?
  99. When will the world end?
  100. What does the bible say about legal separation?