How to cope with anti-Mormonism?

I don’t feel respected because I’m LDS. What’s the reason? And, lastly, how should I cope with anti-Mormonism?

Answer #1

Everyone’s religious beliefs are disrespected. The way to deal with it, is to never discuss religion with untrusted individuals - including your affiliation. If someone asks “what religion are you”, answer with the question “why do you care?”.

Answer #2

Hi Leslie Ann: It’s the Trinitarian thing. One God who is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all wrapped up in One…and that is Jesus, our God who loves you more than you will ever know. We’ve been around and around about that and any question about your faith is great. Keep delving into the Scriptures (KJV) for truth. Some talk about trying to defend a lion, well, God’s word is like a lion, turn it loose and it will defend itself! Still praying discernment for you, Dan

Answer #3

I don’t think it’s’s ignorant. My husband of 26 years was born into the religion. He quit going to church around 15. Then his mom fell out of the church. I think that this can happen in any religion. I went to the Mormon church, Catholic church, Lutheron church, Babtist and so on when I was younger because my mother didn’t go to church so I am all in one. Actually, we were taking lessons in the church with the missionaries, but my husband felt it best not to continue. He has been very confused over the years and has asked a lot of questions whenever we go to bible study, but I feel blessed to be given a choice. Religion is’s who you are and what is in your heart that counts.

Answer #4

sound it out… anti means against and mormonism is the practice of the mormon religion…

Answer #5

Well it seems like no matter what your religion is people will judge you.

It might be best just not to even let people know what religion you are, then they have no room to judge you.

But if you must, just ignore what other people say and stick to what you beleave in :)

Answer #6

the way I overcame it was to study the heck out of it. I went on my mission and just studied and studied. the more I learned, the more I became sure I was in the right religion, and the less possible it was for anyone to get under my skin about it. defending the church became easy, and when people give me crap about it, I can run circles around any argument they throw at me. strengthen your testimony, and that’ll help a lot too. if you know you’re doing the right thing, it’s easier to do…even if others tell you you’re wrong. best of luck, keep on living the dream.

Answer #7

ya know, I’ve had my own share of problems with that. here’s my advice:

-don’t let people tell you “not to share your religion” for fear that someone might tell you they don’t agree with your beliefs. don’t worry about what others think of your religion; afterall, it’s not them you’re worshipping.

-build your testimony up. a strong testimony coupled with a knowledge of the gospel can combat any anti crap. when you KNOW…you know.

-keep praying. this is a challenge for you, and HF will help. pray.

-look in the scriptues. there are examples of situations like yours…use them as examples and do what they did.

good luck hon. I know what it feels like to totally be made to feel like…an inch tall, but you will get through it, and once you do, you will be stronger. you can do it :)

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