Is it ok to hate material things?

God says not to hate people but it’s ok to hate things right?He tells us not to surround and look fo happiness in possesions so is it ok to resent material things?

Answer #1

There is nothing wrong with “things” per se. It’s when they take the focus off God and put them on self. If you are being obedient to scripture and God blesses you then rejoice. There are many examples of people in the bible who were blessed with tremendous wealth. Abraham, David, Solomon to name just a few. Job also comes to mind. They used their wealth to honor God and bless others. If God chooses to bless you in that way, then pass it along. I heard a true story a few years back. A man who had a small company became born again. He made a solemn promise to God to tithe regularly and the more he gave the more God blessed him. Over time this man gave 90% of his income to help those in need around him. Homeless, jobless, destitute people from all walks of life. The things aren’t necessarily bad. It’s what you do with them and the attitude of your heart that makes the difference.

Answer #2

Sure, knock yourself out. By the way, the computer you’re using happens to be a ‘material thing’.

Answer #3

I agree totally with gasmanobt3”s answer. Our world is very materialistic, and that does need to change, for the Christians, so, I admire your stand. God first, people second, things … last.

If we keep the proper prospective…that is a wonderful thing.

In fact, the Word says, Godliness, with contentment, is great gain.

Many Blessings…

Answer #4

Absolutely. You can dislike whatever you want and not just because god says so. Some people are very materialistic and into the whole material thing. But it’s okay if you’re not. Doesn’t make you a bad person.

Answer #5

What do you mean by ‘resenting’ material things, exactly? I agree that we’re always in danger of letting materialism take over our lives, and stopping us caring for God, other people, and the created world. If that’s what you mean, I understand your point. I don’t tend to hate ‘stuff’ but I try to be a bit wary of it!

Answer #6

it is ok to resent these things but not to the extent you harm or damage someone else’s property. it should be something that is in your heart and that you try to change with your words and advice to others.

Answer #7

I mean why is there soo much of one thing? I love to buy clothes and shoes and after I go out and buy the I realize I’m being material and I really didn’t need them so I give them to churches or shelters and only keep a few.I figure if I can give them up to less fortunate it’s better than me just having them in my closet.So in the end I usually look at all the things in my house I really didn’t need and pretty much think that b/c I wanted everything I’m going to hell.Is that how it is?I don’t LOVE my things I can laugh if something breaks like when my hair straightener blew up it was really funny lol.So does it apply to me like this? I’m confused on this subject.

Answer #8

I read a really good book called Living on Purpose, by Tom and Christine Sine, which tackled your kind of issues (and many others, too). It looks at how Christians can get the right perspective on material possessions and also things like work, time, giving etc. I remember that the ‘newspaper in one hand, Bible in the other’ message was well covered in that book, too. It’s quite radical.

Answer #9

Fine, but does tinkpixi18 have to rush out and buy the latest model because her own is, oh, at least ONE YEAR OLD! Or does she use an older one that does the job but doesn’t impress people particularly? That’s the point I’m arguing - material things are useful and help us lead our lives. Materialism is a major risk in the western world, though, and I guess that’s what she’s talking about.

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