Where did God live before he created Heaven

If God has been around forever and if God created the heavens and the earth and mankind during creation, it stands to reason that God has been around much longer than heaven. Where did God live before he created heaven?

Answer #1

It appears you’re thinking in physical terms only - certainly God is everywhere - there are a lot of questions that we won’t know or understand the answer to, until we’re there with Him and having been saved, transformed anew in His likeness in all ways - our human brain cannot comprehend…I hope this helps !!

Answer #2

He didn’t “live” anywhere. He simply existed. It’s hard to understand, and I don’t think we are even supposed to. All we know is that he has been around forever, before he created everything, He was just existing in nothingness. I imagine blackness with energy. That energy is God.

Answer #3

You are thinking of God in human terms, and from a human perspective. It is written in the scriptures that nothing can contain God. The Bible refers to God as “residing” in the heavens so that humans can relate to God’s presence relative to our position in the universe. The Old Testament (as documented by Moses) also describes the heavens as having levels, or plains, and because we are not spirit-creatures, we will never truly understand what it is like there. If you want a limited perspective:

Just as we walk about the physical earth, nothing actually holds the earth in its position–or at least that we can SEE–so to explain to you what that something is that holds the earth in its place, when we’ve never seen it, and never will, is impossible. God is not limited like us, and He requires no “home” that confines Him, because nothing can. God says: He has no beginning, and He has no end…” But this is something humans cannot grasp because we all had a beginning. Trust me, don’t hurt yourself attempting to figure it out–even Einstein was smart enough to leave that one alone!

Answer #4

Guys, it’s just a question. Stop acting like he’s asking how to spell dog or something.

timbojones, God is EVERYWHERE. His energy is focused in Heaven. I would compare Him to a tree. His branches stretch out everywhere, but the focus point is located at the trunk and the base. Heaven is like the base and everwhere else is the branches. He branches out everywhere. In our bodies, in the keyboard you are typing on, in the air… everywhere. God is energy. He is not a “physical being”. He just simply “is”. In the story of Moses, He calls himself, “I Am Who I Am”. That’s the best way to put it. He just is who He is.

Answer #5

God has not chosen to reveal everything to us, somethings we just have to take by faith, and wait until we see him to ask about the others.

Answer #6

God was a sprit that was in space and then he created Heaven and Earth. Now God is living in Heaven looking over u.

Answer #7

So let me get this straight: God wants to be ignorant and doesn’t want us asking too many questions that his believers can’t answer. He wants us to just keep our mouths shut, stay dumb, and not think too much about his personal life.

Got it, thanks.

Answer #8

haha… he lived in amsterdam… thats funny.

its simple, he didn’t live anywhere because he never existed.

There is your answer, I give you props for questioning god.

Answer #9

For the uneducated on the forum: timbojones

The earth is positioned (ti–l-t-e-d) on an in–vi–si–ble axisss, and its position is relative to its constant motion. Is that explained simply enough or do you need some sign-language thrown in there???

Answer #10

We as humans on earth are not supposed to know/understand everything.Eve wanted to and look where it got us.I belive that not knowing is just other ways to test our faith.God gives us all we need to know.Maybe when or if we get to where he is we’ll be able to comprehend such things.

Answer #11

Like I said, we aren’t really supposed to fully understand and know what went on before we were created. I suppose He was planning everything out. He’s not human, He’s God. We just don’t know what He would’ve done with all that time to Himself.

Answer #12

God is never alone. If we were suppost to know what he did then he’d tell us in the bible. To most of my understanding there was probabally other forms of intelligence before he messed with. What I think is were more like a plot. The devil knows he’s going down so they want to see how many ‘humans’ choose over sin.

Answer #13

So what happened to those other forms of life that he created before he created the universe? Is there another universe that they live in or did he destroy that universe so he could create ours?

Answer #14

whoopsies222, what was he doing all that time, before he created the universe? He was all alone for a very long time, as I understand it.

Answer #15

I have never read anything in the bible saying where god lived before he created the universe, nor have I been able to reconcile the idea that God is everywhere and yet he is in heaven.

Answer #16

silverwings: “God has not chosen to reveal everything to us, somethings we just have to take by faith, and wait until we see him to ask about the others. “

He hasn’t chosen to reveal everything to us? Please show me even one thing he has revealed to us? Just one. And then maybe I would consider the plausability of such a being. Until then, it is just another myth, like zeus, posidan, oden, and quetzalcoatl.

Answer #17

The religious like to try and discredit theories like the Big Bang for not providing enough of an answer about where the universe came from. But as you can see, they cannot provide any valid explanation for where God came from, or why he even exists. If someone can believe that God has always existed, why isn’t it possible that the universe has always existed, even if in a much different form than now? Why does the universe require a definite starting point on the timeline, while God does not?

As for where people believe God is, it depends on what religion you are. Pantheistic religions believe god is in all things, living and sometimes non-living. Ancient monotheistic religions, including Biblical ones, really believed God physically dwelled in “the heavens” and would “come down” to earth to interact with humans. Now, most Biblical religions believe God is everywhere, not one central location.

Answer #18

So if God is everywhere, why do they say he is in heaven? Is that a mistake?

Answer #19

well I dont know but always thank god for what you have remember hes the one who gave you a life

Answer #20

he lived in amsterdam

Answer #21

That makes sense.

Answer #22

Most Christians believe in the Trintiy- which is God(the father) who created all, Jesus, the son (GOD in human form) and the holy spirit which resides here with us today on earth. As far as where was God at the beginning Genesis in not actuallly the beginning of the story. The bible says Lucifer(Satan) was one of God’s most beloved Angels and tried to overthrow God, then God threw Lucifer and the angels that wanted to go with him from heaven. All of this took place before the creation of earth, it’s just not in order when reading it from your bible.

Answer #23

Just as we walk about the physical earth, nothing actually holds the earth in its position–

What position is that? It’s constantly moving around the Sun, held in place by gravity.

Einstein said religion was “pretty childish”. How is that “leaving things alone”?

Answer #24

have you read the bible

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